Monday, November 5, 2012

School Bus Service

Dear Parent or Guardian:

If your son/daughter rides the school bus to school and home please be
aware that there will be no bus service tomorrow, Tuesday, November
6th or Monday, November 12th.

The public schools are closed on Election Day, November 6, and on
Veterans' Day, November 12. When they are closed there is no school
bus service available.

Thank you for your understanding and we apologize for any
inconvenience this may cause you. Hopefully you will find other means
to get your child to school.

Friday, November 2, 2012

School Closing

Dear Famlies,

As you are aware, school will be closed again tomorrow, Friday November 2, 2012 and will reopen on Monday, November 5, 2012. Also, please know that school will NOT be closed on Tuesday, November 6. Previously, the staff was due to attend a conference that day, and will we not be going. This will be a regular day of school with after school. I will be examining the calendar and announcing other changes to make up some of the days we have lost.

I am aware that some of you have wondered why we are closed when the Astoria community has already rebounded from that storm. Please know that I have been monitoring the situation and have made my decisions based on information from the mayor's office, the NYC Department of Education, and information provided by the Lutheran Schools Association, in consultation with our teaching and support staffs, and Pastor James. There are many factors to consider beyond whether the building has heat and power or not. Some of these other issues include pupil transportation and adequate teaching coverage to name just some of the other factors.

I am so glad to hear that so many of you came through the storm safely. That is great! I would like to thank you for your paitience during a very difficult time for us all.

Finally, I would like to thank those of you who sent me emails expressing your concern for me and my family. I am happy to report that although I live on the South Shore, my house is far enough away from the water and escaped the devastation experienced by so many of my neighbors on the south end of town.

Thank you again, and I'll see you on Monday.


Mary E. Leake


Astoria Lutheran School

31-20-21st Avenue

Astoria, NY 11105

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

School Closing - November 1 and November 2

Dear Parent, Guardian and Friend:

Let me begin by saying that I sincerely hope you were not severely affected by this horrific disaster as so many in Manhattan, Long Island, New Jersey, Staten Island and all of the surrounding areas and states were. Our prayers go out to the families who lost loved ones, homes and everything that was dear to them.

As per Pastor Klockau, I am informing you that Astoria Lutheran School will be closed on Thursday, November 1st and Friday, November 2nd. Classes will resume on Monday, November 5th. I know this may be an inconvenience to some of you but I know you understand the need for us to do this. Safety first.

Be well and be safe.

Monday, October 29, 2012

School closing - Hurricane Sandy

Dear Families,

Due to the coming storm and based on the information that I have been receiving from city and state agencies, please be advised that Astoria Lutheran Preschool and Grade School will be closed on Monday, October 29 and Tuesday October 30.

As of this writing, we plan to re-open on Wednesday, October 31 for a full day of school.

May we all stay safe as we ride out the storm.

Mary Leake
Astoria Lutheran School

Hurricane Sandy

Google is providing clear and precise information about Hurricane Sandy. For information specific to your location, go to:

Other sources of information:
NYC Office of Emergency Management 
NOAA - Hurricane Sandy

Sunday, October 14, 2012

From the desk of Ms. Costanzo

From the desk of Ms. Costanzo

“Graceful Growing” 2012-2013 School year.

Week 7- Lessons , 10/15-10/19.

Homework Sheet:

Other: Terra Nova testing this week.

Friday- Complete any unfinished work or work from absences.



1st grade- Terra Nova Testing this week. Review number recognition.

4th grade- Terra Nova Testing this week. Review pg. 61. Do 62, use vocab. on pg. 61. Due Wednesday.

5th grade- Terra Nova Testing this week. Review, do pg. 57. Due Wednesday.

6th grade- Terra Nova Testing this week. Review , do pgs. 45-46. Due Wednesday.


1st grade- Wk sheet, adding and recognizing number sentences.

4th grade- Complete pgs. 61-62.

5th grade- Complete pg. 57.

6th grade- Complete pgs. 45-46.

Wednesday- none.


1st grade- Writing 3 and 4.

4th 5th and 6th – wk sheets.


1st grade- Complete and missed or unfinished work.

4th grade- Complete and missed or unfinished work.

5th grade- Complete and missed or unfinished work.

6th grade- Complete and missed or unfinished work.

Science- 4th 5th and 6th -

Monday- Terra Nova test this week.

Tuesday- In notebook, write 5 facts about Earth.

Thursday- Complete and study vocabulary words. 1) revolution, 2) rotation, 3) solstice, and 4) equinox

Friday- Vocabulary quiz next week, Tuesday.

Religion- Grades, 4, 5, and 6 -

Monday- none

Tuesday- Chapel tomorrow, please bring an offering. $ or canned food.

Wednesday- Chapel @ 9:00. All are welcome. Offering going to Habitat for Humanity.

Thursday- Complete Lesson review sheets.

Friday- none

Tests and Quizzes:

1st grade Test 2, next week, Friday 10/26.

4th 5th and 6th - Vocabulary quiz, Tuesday 10/23.

Monday, August 27, 2012

supplies for 2012 - 2013 school year.

Dear Parents and Students,

 Welcome to a new school year. Hope you're excited about the upcoming year. Here is a list of some of the supplies you will need for this school year.

* 2 - 3 subject notebooks.
* 2 - composition notebooks.
* 1 - ream of looseleaf paper.
* 3 folders.
* pencils.
* black or blue pens.
* glue sticks and liquid glue.
* text book covers, (material preferred).
* 2 tubs of disinfected wipes,
* 2 boxes of tissues.
* 1 roll of paper towels.

Enjoy the rest of your summer. See you soon.
God Bless and stay safe,
Ms. Sherry Costanzo

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday, May 6, 2012

May 2012 / June 2012

This Little Light Of Mine (School Theme)
Healthy Choices (Curriculum Theme)


May 1 Tuition payment is due ($35.00 late fee if not received by the 10th of the month.)

May 3 National Day of Prayer

May 4 Monthly Assembly- @1:40 pm Chapel

May 5 Cinco de Mayo

May 6 Nurses DAY

May 7-11 Teacher Appreciation Week, Theme Week

May 8 National Teachers Day

May 11 Progress Reports 3rd 6th

May 13 Mothers Day

May 16 Our choir has been invited to perform at the Happy Seniors of Northwest Astoria at Immaculate Conception school hall.

May 19 Armed Forces Day  

May 23-25 Camp Herrlich 3rd 6th


June 14 Flag Day

June 17 Fathers Day

June 18 Last Full Day of School and After School

June 19 Records Day Dismissal at noon

June 20 First Day of Summer, Grade School Moving Up/6th Grade Graduation (details to be announced), Report Cards, Closing Chapel, Dismissal at 11:00 a.m.


LUNCH FORMS: For May were distributed on Monday, April 23 and were due back on Wednesday, April 25

CHAPEL OFFERINGS: Chapel offerings for May and June will go to support the Anti-Malaria campaign of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Two Lutheran pastors from New York Bishops assistant Jack Horner and Wartburg Adult Care Community's Carol Fryer will climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania in July in an attempt to raise $100,000 to support African companion churches in their malaria prevention and treatment programs. The funds raised will:

Distribute insecticide-treated mosquito nets
Train health care providers
Support water treatment programs
Provide medicine to treat malaria

Malaria Facts:
People usually get malaria by being bitten by an infected female mosquito carrying the malaria parasite.
Symptoms include fever, chills, sweating, headaches, nausea, and general malaise. Serious cases may include organ failure and death.
800,000 people die from malaria each year., 89% of those people are in Africa, and many of them are children and pregnant women.,
Malaria is the leading cause of death in children under age five in Africa.
Malaria is the second leading cause of infectious diseases in Africa after HIV/AIDS.
Malaria can be cured if the right drugs are used promptly.
Spraying and bed nets are the main form of prevention.

ILLNESS: If your son/daughter is ill or will arrive to school late for any reason, please leave a message on our answering machine with an explanation. When your son/daughter returns to school please be sure he/she has a written explanation as to why he/she missed school or was late.

STOP BY THE OFFICE: If you come by the school for any reason you must first stop by the office and state your reason for being here. You will asked to sign in, receive a pass and be escorted to your destination.

CONGRATULATIONS: Leila Gomez (5th grader) after competing at the Level 8 New York State gymnastics championship in Rochester, is now New York States Level 8 Beam Champion with a score of 9.650. She also placed 5th on floor with a 9.650.


WOW! Three quarters of our school year is already completed. Each and every student is becoming a more confident reader. Its a pleasure to see little friends reading directions and getting started on tasks on their own. Great things are happening!

We've been learning about quotation marks and have been writing dialogs between characters. Its fun! Josue drew a few great cartoons between Snoopy and Woodstock. They have a lively funny conversation. Come see it outside our classroom by our SPRING IS display.

First graders have been learning different strategies to solve addition problems, using doubles, doubles plus 1, and making a ten.

Second graders have been exploring measurement using rulers, cups, pints, quarts, thermometers, etc. We estimate and then take our measurements. Fun! Math for the real world!

We have been excited to learn about people with disabilities. They like to do the same things everyone else does, but often need to do things in different ways.

Did you know that Franklin Roosevelt, a U.S. President, had braces for his legs and used a wheelchair? Did you know Stephen Hawking a world renowned scientist is paralyzed and uses a motorized wheelchair and a voice synthesizer? Mattie Stepanek was a boy with muscular dystrophy who wrote several amazing books of poetry. We enjoyed some of his beautiful words and thoughts in our room and in chapel.

Coming Up:

Trip to Queens Zoo May 15th
Planting Wildflowers outside our greenhouse (hands welcome)


The year seems to be flying by. We are doing and learning so many new things.

Reading Henry Huggins has been a blast. It was fun to read about a boy our age who grew up in the 1950s. Things were a lot cheaper back then. Can you believe that there were no cell phones or video games in the 1950s? What did everyone do? Yes, they made it and are still surviving-imagine that! We enjoyed the story and looked forward to see what Henry will do next.

In Math class, 3rd graders are practicing their multiplication facts while the 4th graders are working with division and unit prices.

We recently completed timelines showing data about ourselves and the important events in our lives. It was fun to share our timelines with our classmates. We learned a lot about each other.

In our Religion class we are reading Lukes gospel and discussing the life of Jesus. During Holy Week we celebrated the last supper. We made Jesus Is posters and they are on display in the hallway in the lower level.

We have explored so many topics in Science. During the month of April we explored matter and the changes that take place all around us. Matter really does matter.

During centers and group activities we get to work at different stations and use our creativity and knowledge to figure out puzzles, build machines and work on subject areas that reinforce our daily lessons. Everyone found at least one thing they like and a great deal is learned at these times.

We all enjoyed Easter and had a peaceful and restful Easter break.


The 4th and 6th grade took the NYS ELA (English Language Arts) Exams and the NYS MATH Exams.

ELA Reading: We are completing the Indian In The Cupboard. The second week in May we will have Theme Week Stewards of the Earth. We will be making posters, and campaigning for a greener earth along with completing other activities that are planned to address core concepts using hands-on strategies for learning

Social Studies: We studied units 3 and 4, colonists and conflicts. Establishment of the 13 English colonies, the fight for Independence, breaking ties with Great Britain, the American Revolution and the Constitution of the United States.

Religion: We are completing a study of the book of Exodus through Deuteronomy. In particular we are studying Moses last days and his death.

English 3rd 6th Unit 4: Adjectives and Adverbs

We are learning about adjectives and adverbs and how to properly apply them in our writing.

Mrs. Raspantini

Its good to be back after two long months of recuperating and rehabbing a broken ankle. Below is a brief synopsis of what we have been doing in Computer Class.

Kindergarten and 1st Grade: They are making use of all the interactive software available to them.

2nd Grade: The children have completed two PowerPoint presentations entitled Animal Classifications and I'm Thankful For

3rd and 4th Grade: The children are beginning to utilize Microsoft Word in addition to continuing working on their keyboarding.

5th and 6th Grade: The children are becoming more proficient in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint as well as using the Internet for research.

Pastor James Klockau

The children have been invited to perform at the Happy Seniors of Northwest Astoria on Wednesday, May 16th. This senior citizens club, which is co-sponsored by Grace Lutheran and Immaculate Conception Churches, meets each week in the school hall at Immaculate Conception. The children will present a short program of patriotic and religious songs at approximately 1:30 p.m. They will walk to ICS and return to QLS in time for dismissal.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Food Forms

The current food forms are available online: Food Forms

They must be returned to the school office by April 25 for May.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - Theme Week - April 30th - May 4th.

Dear Parent or Guardian:

Theme Week is coming up April 30th - May 4th.

Here's a list of items I will need for the "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" portion of activities:
  • plastic bottles - various sizes
  • small boxes from pudding/jello/toothpaste
  • egg cartons
  • cardboard tubes from paper towels
  • cans with lids (nut cans, international coffee, regular coffee, frosting, etc.)
  • soup cans
  • Styrofoam trays
  • laundry detergent bottles
  • half gallon plastic milk jugs
 Please send in as many as you can all next week.

Many thanks.
Deanna Gigler
1st & 2nd grade Teacher

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Grace Lutheran Church Snack Bar and Camp Grace

Grace Lutheran Church Snack Bar - Friday, April 20, 2012

Living Arts at Camp Grace 2012 - Info Session, Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lessons for grades 3 through6, 4/16-4/20/2012

“Healthy Choices” “This Little light of mine” 2011-2012 school year
Week 30- Lessons, 4/16 -4/20/2012

3rd – 4th grades
Morning Meeting-8:30-8:45-: Attendance. Copy homework, Pledge/Devotions

Monday- Welcome back. Share time, what did you do? Spelling Pre Test.
Reports Cards will be distributed Thursday, 4/19. Please return signed by Monday 4/23.

Tuesday- Hand in spelling HW.
Puzzles and geometric shapes.

Wednesday- Prayer requests for Chapel.

Thursday- Complete any unfinished work / Handwriting, next pg. hand in if finished.
HW- Return signed report card.

Friday- Review spelling/quiet reading. Reminders- PE Monday, wear gym clothes.

3rd – 4th & 5th 6th - grades
Reading / Spelling 4th grade ELA, testing 4/17-4/19.

Monday- Spelling Pre Test, write wrong words 3 times each. Vocabulary, Chapter 4, The Green Christmas, 1) sled 2) operetta 3) duster 4) mumps 5) performance 6) disgusted 7) trousers 8) recite 9) cuspidor 10) ignore 11) beanie 12) taffeta 13) relish 14) fascinating 15) leprechaun 16) handkerchief Work in groups of 3.
HW- Skill sheets, Spelling Test Friday.

Tuesday- Chapter 4, Henry Huggins. Read together.
HW- Questions from chapter 4, The Green Christmas” 1) What time of the year is it? 2) What is Henry’s class getting ready for? 3) What part did Henry get in the play when Miss Roop was giving out the parts? 4) Did Henry want the first part that was given to him? 5) What was one way he thought of to get out of being Timmy? 6) What part did Henry end up with at the end of the chapter? 7) How did Henry end up with his new part? 8) Did Henry get the snow he was hoping for? Due Thursday.

Thursday- Hand in questions from Chapter 4. Go over questions. Writing: Continue chapter 4, write an ending. What happened next?
HW- Skill sheet. Spelling Test tomorrow.

Friday- Spelling Test. Henry Huggins, chapter 5, The Pale Pink Dog. How did Ribsy become pink? (tell what happened in chapter 5).

3rd – 4th grades

Monday- 3rd - Deal a Fact game, text pg. 243.
4th – Review for Math Assessment test, wk book pg. 81. (together).
HW- 3rd - wk book pg. 53.
4th- Continue to work on wk book pg. 81.

Tuesday- 3rd - Wk book pg. 54. (1-8), do (9-12) together. Hand in.
4th – ELA testing, 4/17-4/19.Go over pg. 81.
HW- 3rd - Wk book pg. 55. Multiplication Quiz Thursday.
4th – Understanding length, text pg. 364. Define length and copy units of length chart in N/B.

Wednesday- 3rd - Problem Solving, make an organized list. Text pgs.244-245.
4th – ELA testing, 4/17-4/19.
HW- 3rd – Review multiplication facts, 1 through 10 times tables. Quiz tomorrow.
4th – In N/B, define 1) capacity and 2) weight, and copy units of capacity chart on pg. 366 and units of weight chart on pg. 367.

Thursday- 3rd - Quiz, multiplication, 1 through 10 times tables.
4th – ELA testing, 4/17-4/19. HW- 3rd – none.
4th – Study charts in N/B.

Friday- 3rd – Do wk book pg. 56, wk in groups, make organized lists. Hand in.
4th – Review charts, do text pgs. 371-372, (1-20). Copy examples with answers. Go over.

3rd – 4th grades

Monday- Heat, pgs. 120-122. How does heat effect size? What is the difference between heat and temperature? How do animals use heat?

Tuesday- Wk sheet on pgs. 120-122.

Wednesday- In N/B, questions (1-3), pg.123. Go over.

Friday- On own, read pgs. 124-125, answer questions (1-2) pg. 125, on l/l.

3rd – 4th grades
Monday- Continue and complete Jesus mat.

Tuesday- The Easter story, Luke 24:1-49. The Resurrection and Jesus Appears to His Disciples.

Wednesday- In N/B explain what happened the day Jesus rose from the dead. Include: 1) What day of the week did Jesus rise? 2) Who were the first to know that Jesus had risen? (include their names) 3) What did they do when the angels told them Jesus had risen? 4) Which disciple ran to the tomb to see if the women were telling the truth? 5) What happened when Jesus appeared to his disciples? 6) What did Jesus tell his disciples to do?

* Wednesday Chapel @ 9:00. Parents are welcome to join us.

3rd – 4th grades
Social Studies:

Monday- In N/B, define vocabulary pg. 90, 1) Dutch West India Company 2) colony 3) colonist 4) governor 5) patroon go over.
HW- Vocabulary Quiz Thursday.

Tuesday- Work in groups, 4th grade look up people, Peter Minute and Peter Stuyvesant, tell who they were and what they did. Why are they important to New York’s history?
3rd grade look up Places, New Netherland, Fort Orange, and New Amsterdam. Tell when these colonies were founded and what parts of New York they were located.

Thursday- Vocabulary Quiz.
Share yesterday’s info with class. Read pgs. 90-93.

Friday- Continue reading, pgs. 94-95. Discuss questions with graph pg. 94.

PE- Monday and Friday, 1:40 – 2:20. (must be prepared to participate)
– PE Warm-up, exercise, and game activity. (depending on space and weather).


“Healthy Choices” “This Little light of mine” 2011-2012 school year
Week 30- Lessons, 4/16 -4/20/2012

5th – 6th – Grades 6th grade ELA 4/17-4/19.

Monday- Go over primes and composites using the rules of divisibility. Copy notes and examples. Review text pgs. 134-136, In N/B, do text pg. 137, (1-24).
HW- Complete CW.

Tuesday- Go over pg. 137, (1-24). Understanding Prime factorization, using a factor tree.
HW- In N/B do text pg. 137, (25-34).

Wednesday-Go over pg. 137, (25-34). Quiz Friday on Primes and Composites, Using Factor Trees and Rules of Divisibility.
HW- Review pgs. 134-137.

Thursday- Review for Quiz.
HW- review sheet.

Friday- Quiz, Primes and Composites, Using Factor Trees and Rules of Divisibility.

5th – 6th - Grades

Monday-Chapter 4, Lesson 1 pgs. 112-119. Define vocabulary, 1) climate, 2) tropical zone, 3) polar zone, 4) temperate zone, 5) marine climate, 6) continental climate, 7) windward, 8) leeward, 9) microclimate Go over.
HW- Review vocabulary.

Wednesday- Read pgs. 112-119.
HW- Complete reading.

Thursday- Global warming, class discussion. The change of seasons.
HW- In N/B, copy and answer question 4 on pg. 119.

Friday- Go over HW, on l/l, answer questions (1-3) pg. 119.

5th – 6th - Grades
PE- Monday and Friday, 1:40-2:20. (must be prepared to participate)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bake Sale...

Grace & Queens Lutheran School

Bake Sale

Cookies, Cupcakes, Brownies, Jello

Monday, April 2nd,
Tuesday, April 3rd,
Wednesday, April 4th

All Items $1.00
After Lunch & After School

Saturday, March 10, 2012

QLS Newsletter - March 2012 / April 2012

March 2012 / April 2012

This Little Light Of Mine (School Theme)
Healthy Choices (Curriculum Theme)

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Daylight Saving Time

News and Dates to Note:

March 1 - Tuition payment is due ($35.00 late fee if not received by the 10th  of the month.)

March 2 - Monthly Assembly- @1:40 pm - Chapel

March 8 - 3rd – 6th receive their Progress Report

March 9 - School Closed – Teacher Professional Development

March 11 - Daylight Saving Time Begins

March 12 - Celebrating Lutheran Schools Week.

March 12 - Silly Sock Day

March 13 - Silly Hat Day, Lunch Forms for April distributed

March 14 - Chapel

March 15 - PJ Day

March 16 - “Be Green “ Day

March 28 - Lunch Forms due back on Wednesday, March  28, P.T.A. Meeting - 6:15 p.m.

March 30 - Family Game Night 6:30 p.m.

April 1 - Palm Sunday

April 2 - Tuition payment is due ($35.00 late fee if not received by the 10th  of the month.)

April 4 - Third Marking Period Ends

April 5 - School Closed 5th – 13th – Easter Recess

April 6 - Good Friday

April 8 - Easter Sunday

April 17 - Lunch Forms for May distributed - due back Thursday, April 26.

April 20 - Report Cards Issued

Other Information:

Lunch Forms: For March were distributed on Thursday, February 16 and were due back on Tuesday, February 28.

Chapel Offerings: Collected each Wednesday in Chapel. For the months of March and April offerings will be given to Lutheran Schools Association

Illness: If your son/daughter is ill or will arrive to school late for any reason, please leave a message on our answering machine with an explanation.  When your son/daughter returns to school please be sure he/she has a written explanation as to why he/she missed school or was late.

Stop by the Office: If you come by the school for any reason you must first stop by the office  and state your reason for being here.  You will asked to sign in, receive a pass and be escorted to your destination.

Congratulations to the Gomez children:

1.  Leila - competed in the Exper-tiess Winter Wonderland meet and won the following in the Junior B division:
a. 9th on vault;
b. 6th on bars;
c. 4th on beam;
d. 2d on floor with a 9.5 (first was a 9.525)
e. 3rd All Around with a 35.525.

2.  Daniel's hockey team Aviator Mite Major (tier II) made it to the playoffs for the Hudson Valley league and just won their first playoff game and will now go into the finals for the championship.

3. Dylan's hockey team Aviator Squirt Major (tier II) made it to playoffs and went on to win the Long Island Youth Hockey League championships for their division. His team also won the Central Massachusetts Winter Classic hockey tournament this past weekend for the Squirt division (tier II).

1st & 2nd Grade News:

February was a short but BUSY month.  We concentrated on our Native American studies.  We read legends, articles and non-fiction books about the people who lived in the Northeast, the Northwest, the Southwest and the Plains.
  • Hands on activities included making drums,  tunics with patterns and beads, playing a target game, a stick counting game, homemade board games, listening to pow wow music, choosing Indian names, decorating a “buffalo hide” to tell a story, made a small doll, and making popcorn!  Oh yes, we each made a book with pictures and descriptive sentences.
  • K – 6 kids all got to guess what each item in a bag of authentic artifacts was used for.  Favorites were the Alaskan ulu, and the Louisiana alligator jaw knife.  Ms. Gigler brought in pottery, jewelry dream catchers, a talking feather, and more fun in a magic bag!
  • March 2nd was a cooking day for K - 6.  Indian Fry Bread, Corn Bread and Mint Tea was on the menu.  Yum…yum…yum
  • Come and see the Plains Indian table in the upstairs hallway.  Grades 5 & 6 constructed Tipis.  Grades 1 – 4 made Clothespin People.  Stories about family life are recorded on “buffalo hides.”   
March will get us back to our regular schedule.  We look forward to finding evidence of leprechauns around the school.  You do believe in them, don’t you?

This is what 1st and 2nd Grade kids had to say about our study of Native Americans:

Nick: “Indians thought all animals had special spirits.  Children like to play games.”

Angel: “Before the white man came, Native Americans used to build tools out of bones.  They had to go hunting for food.”

Nelson: “Native Americans lived long ago and today too.”

John: “They worked a lot on making stuff, like drums.  The Indian man teached the kids how to hunt.”

Joseph: “They made their houses out of clay in the southwest.”

Nicolas L.: “Young boys would run and shoot targets so they could get ready for hunting.  They thought Mother Nature was good.  Indians traded with Spanish and white people for metal knives.”

Josue: “Indians wore moccasins.”

3rd & 4th Grade News:

From the desk of Ms. Costanzo…

Our trip to the American Indian Museum was very interesting and a lot of fun.  We all seemed to be a little excited about taking the subway but it wasn’t so bad.  I think the kids enjoyed it.  We saw many Indian artifacts and learned many new things about the Native Americans.  Many of the things viewed at the museum were those that we have been studying in class this month.

Our theme of Native Americans, their homes, families and communities, has been a great experience for both the students and the teachers.  Children in Kindergarten through grade 6 rotated and got to spend a half hour with each teacher while doing different activities and learning about the Native Americans which lived in our country.  We weaved mats, made totem poles, longhouses and other cool things.  We all had a great time and the students learned so many new things about the lives of the American Indian.

The 3rd and 4th graders want to share the many and exciting things that took place during the month of February and what will take place in March.  Please enjoy reading their stories in their own words with minor correction from me.

Donna: Writing Homework – 2/16/12 – Yesterday’s trip was fun.  We went to the American Indian Museum. First, we saw a folktale movie called Waskijag and How he got his Name.  It was about an animal who did not like his name.  He went to ask the Great Spirit.  He wanted another name.  He promised that he will get there on time.  The next day, he overslept.  So when he went to the Great Spirit, the Spirit tole Waskijag that all the names he wanted were taken!  But the Great Spirit told him his name means the teacher of the first people of Turtle Island.  He Became Very Happy!

Also, we went for a scavenger hunt.  We had to find a Man’s Coat, a box house, a vessel, a mask, a war shirt, a trumpet, a jug, moccasins and ear ornaments.  I found the Man’s Coat, the box house, the mask, the jug, moccasins and ear ornaments.
Even though we did not see all the exhibits, and did not finish the scavenger hunt, it was still fun because I went to the souvenir shop.  I bought a flute and a coin.  It was so much fun!

Lucas: My day was great.  It was fun too much fun.  We learned a lot today.  We made butterflies.  We were gonna make clay pots but we did not get to.  Friday we are gonna make the clay pots.  We read a book and looked at animal skin.  It felt weird.  I was sick on the 100th Day of School.  We went on a trip to a museum.  It was a fun vacation from working.  We had fun.

Max: Our Trip to the Museum of American Indians -The morning was great.  When we got to the museum we were introduced to our guide.  We watch a film and saw some Indian masks, a war shirt, an Indian wooden house and other cool exhibits.  We also saw a big round thing.  We left and went to McDonald’s for lunch.  After lunch we went back to the souvenir shop.  We saw more exhibits and then we went home.

Alex: My trip was awesome.  We saw very little exhibits.  But even though we spent most of the time on the train.  We still had fun with Ms. Fox.  I was in her group.  The best part is that we went to McDonald’s.  The best best best part was being in Ms. Fox’s group, and buying something from the gift shop.  Man that was the best school trip of my life.

Matthew: In the National Indian History Museum I was with my mother.  I had to take off my coat.  I went in this succurity machine.  I saw Ms. Fox getting scanned.  I said “I want to get scanned.  But she said that I am too young to be scanned.  I saw this huge statue of a man with wings standing on earth.  Then later I came to this room.  Then I saw a video or movie.  Then I saw a map of a place in the Native Amarican time.  Earlier Lucas said “Max is angry because I said I erased all video games.”  After the video I touched a fake and small canoe, and also a bowl and other stuff.  Then we came to the location of the group scavenger hunt.  First we found the small house.  Then we left and came back.  We found the mask.  Then we found a statue.  It was not on the list.  I was thinking it looked weird.  Then we had to go back to class.  We found 3 things.  Max was angry at me for not listening to him.  I had a good time there anyway.

Rabah: Social Studies – 2/16/12 – I had a great time at the American Indian Museum it was really interesting and fun.  I liked the scavenger hunt.  It was fun even though I didn’t get everything but still it was fun.  I really liked it.  I also liked the gallery and we knew everything because Ms. Darden told us about animals and what they mean to the Native Americans and read to us some more information about them and Ms. Rita told us about more Indian tribes like the Pueblo Indians and what Pueblo means.  Ms. Gigler let us make Native American people in class and showed us things Native Americans used.  Leila, Dylan, and Daniel bought animal skins.  They were bear and deer skins.  They felt really soft and cuddly.  I liked it and thanks for Ms. Costanzo and Ms. Fox who taught us about them because they are really interesting and I would love to learn more about them.  I am really excited because in Ms. Rita’s class we are going to make pottery with our own designs.  It will be really fun.  Yaaaaay!!!!!

Daniel: S.S. – 2/16/12 – My trip to the Museum of American Indians was pretty good.  We took two trains to get there.  When we got there we had to go through a metal detector.  Then we watched a movie called Wasakijag.  It was about someone who didn’t like his name, his name was Wasakijag.  He wanted to be renamed by the Great Spirit and so did the other animals.  He thought if you are the earliest to be there you will get the best name.  He overslept so the only name left was Wasakijag.  Then the Great Spirit said, “You will teach the first people.”  He also said his name means that.  After that we went with our class and a tour guide.  She spoke with us then we went upstairs and she showed us a picture of a canoe and a small canoe, two pictures of trees, a piece of bark, and a Native American bowl.  Then we went on a scavenger hunt.  The things we had to find were a man’s coat, a box house, a vessel, a mask, a war shirt, a trumpet, a jug, moccasins, and ear ornaments.  Then we went to McDonald’s and ate.  Then we came back and did the rest of the scavenger hunt.  I only got to find the man’s coat, the box house, the mask, the jug, and the moccasins.  Then we went to the gift shop.  I bought a hand made knitted ball and a dream-catcher.  Then we took two trains to get back to school.

TJ: Native American Museum - Social Studies – 2/17/2012 – I had a great day on Tuesday.  My class and I visited the Native American Museum in Manhattan.  We saw a short film about a rabbit named Wasakijag.  Then we split up into groups.  My group went to see the Gallery.  In the gallery we saw two pictures of forests.  We also saw a Native American Boat.  We also went on a scavenger hunt.  We went to McDonald’s for lunch.  Then we went to the gift shop before returning to school.

Meredith: 2/16/12 - Our Trip to the Museum of American Indians – A few days ago, we went on a trip to the American Indian Museum.  It was fun!  (Well, a little bit.)  It took the whole school day.  We took the train, went to McDonald’s and saw a video.  Then we went to look at some artifacts.  Last we went to school.

Lucas: 2/16/12 – Yesterday was fun.  We saw historical artifacts.  We saw woodland pictures and saw wood from the woodlands.  We saw a movie with a Native American that hated his name!  Then we went to McDonald’s down the street then came back and it was the end of the day.  Before that we had something we call theme week first we go to Ms. Darden’s class we saw Dylan’s and Leila’s bear skin.  Their grandfather hunted.  Then we went to Ms. Rita’s class.  Ms. Rita read us a story.  She finished it while we did an art project.  We made a butterfly because based on the story there was a coyote and a lot of butterflies.  Then at Ms. Gigler’s class we made people because the 5th and 6th grade are making a teepee and they needed people.  PS, Gigler did not like those lollipops.  PPS, Ms. Rita gave us the lollipops.

Peter: Social Studies – 2/16/12 – The trip to the museum was great!  We saw a box house, Indian shoes, a Tomahawk and a teepee.  We saw a film.  The name was Wasakijag.  It was great.  One of the workers showed us a canoe.  The place was really great!  I loved the trip.  The train was fun too.  The museum has 8 floors I think.  We saw buffalo skin.  It was furry.  We had to go through a metal detector.  I was nervous but I got over it.  They had a really beautiful big room.  They had cool stuff.  The end.

5th & 6th Grade News:

Reading and Literacy Program
  • The week of February 27 – March 1st we completed our unit on the Native American Indians.
  • The E.L.A. literacy program is working well for the students in our reading whole group and skills group
  • In Social Studies we are working on unit 4 – Europeans Come to the Americas.  The Spanish build an Empire, Explorers and Conquerors People, the Caribbean, the Taino, Christopher Columbus, The Columbian Exchange and the Seeds of Change.  (I got this wrong I have to check with Sherry)
  • In Religion we are studying the Book of Exodus.  God’s Law, the Ten Commandments, God’s Covenant, the Golden Calf, the Ark and the Tabernacle Moses’ life as leader of the people.
  • 3rd and 4th grade Religion – We are working in the book of St. Luke.  Jesus’ miracles, his love for people, how he taught parables and what the parables mean.
  • In English grades 3 – 6 are studying the use of verbs
Computer News:

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself.  My name is Ms. Alicia Castro, and I am the substitute computer teacher.  I graduated from the University of Hartford with a Bachelors in Psychology, and a Master in Childhood Education from Adelphi University.  I am a certified New York State teacher, and I have been working as a per diem teacher since 2010.

It is a pleasure to be a member of the Queens Lutheran School family and I look forward to working with your child/children.  I am planning activities to develop the creative skills and interest of the students.

We have accomplished the following:
  • Kindergarten began computer class February 14, 2012
  • First Grade, created welcome letters for the open house.
  • Second Grade, researched an African American artist and created a brief report for Black History month.
  • Third and Fourth grade, created a mini business plans.
  • Fifth and Sixth grade, are currently researching the Seven Wonders of the World and will be creating brochures for their location.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

New York Mets host Arizona Diamondbacks

Queens Lutheran School is happy to announce its involvement in LSA Day at Citi Field for 2012!  Here's the information:

Mets vs. Arizona Diamondbacks
Date:  Saturday, May 5, 2012 at 4:10 p.m. - New time!
Cost:  $30.00, Big Apple Reserved

Fundraiser for the Lutheran Schools Association, which will receive a $6 donation from each ticket sold.

Sponsored by: The Lutheran Schools Association

Deadline: Monday, February 27, 2012

Checks: Payable to Queens Lutheran School

Seats: Big Apple Reserved (Field level, outfield - great view & close to the action). All families from Queens Lutheran School will be seated together.

> Transportation to the game is the responsibility of each family.

Did you know that Mets baseball + Lutheran schools/churches = lots of fun!  It will be a great day joining nearly 1000 others involved with Lutheran schools and churches in the New York metropolitan area, and best of all - those attending from Queens Lutheran School will be seated together!

Send in your orders no later than  Monday, February 27, 2012.

Thank you for your participation and cooperation in making this event successful.

Mary-Elaine Leake

Order Form

Name _______________________________  Phone Number _____________________

Number of tickets for Mets game on May 5, 2012   _______ x $30.00 each = $_______

Total amount of check made out to "Queens Lutheran School": $__________

Please send in check with this order form no later than Monday, February 27, 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pennies for Patients

During the entire month of February Queens Lutheran School will be participating in The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS) School and Youth Program, Pennies for Patients. The students will collect spare change to support LLS's mission: to cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma and to improve the quality of life for patients and their families.

There's a collection box in every classroom where the children drop in their change and knowing this program will raise funds to lifesaving treatments and cures for blood cancer patients. This a special chance for your child to have a big impact on others.

The class which raises the most money will have an ice-cream or pizza party.

Thank you for your donations.

Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st  to  6th grade
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, New York  11105
Tel:  718-721-4313   Fax:  718-721-7662

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Grace Lutheran Open House

QLS Newsletter - January 2012 / February 2012

January 2012 / February 2012

This Little Light Of Mine (School Theme)
Healthy Choices (Curriculum Theme)


January 1: Tuition payment is due ($35.00 late fee if not received by the 10th of the month.)

January 6: Spelling Bee. Monthly Assembly @1:40 pm - Chapel

January 11: PTA Meeting

January 16: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.s Birthday Observed School Closed
January 17: February's Lunch Forms Distributed      

January 24: February's Lunch Forms Due     

January 26: Open House 6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m.
January 27: Second Marking Period Ends, Chinatown Trip 3rd 6th
January 29: Open House 1:00 p.m.  3:00 p.m.

February 2: Groundhog Day

February 3: School Closed Parent Teacher Conference Report Cards

February 12: Lincoln's Birthday

February 14: Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian, 1st - 6th, Valentines Day

February 20: Presidents Day

February 22: Washington's Birthday, Ash Wednesday

February 20-24: School Closed for Winter Break

Lunch Forms: For February were distributed on Tuesday January 17 and are due back on Tuesday, January 24.

Chapel Offerings: Collected each Wednesday in Chapel. For the months of January and February offerings will be given to the Lutheran Deaconess Association.

Healthy Choices: An interesting website was forwarded to us by one of our parents. Please check it out A daily email is sent out with news about recipes and new healthy alternatives to foods that we love like potato chips for example.

Stop By The Office: If you come to the school for any reason, please do not go to your child's class stop by the office first.


Wow! The holidays are over and were back to serious work.

We have been talking about heroes, people who make life better for others.

Second graders read books about famous inventors and did reports. They're on the wall outside our room. There are many kinds of heroes. Dr. King helped get unfair laws changed. We all completed portraits of Dr. King, which are on display on our wall of heroes.

The New Year gave us a time to think about how we each wish to improve ourselves. New Year resolutions range from I resolve to eat more healthy food; I resolve not hit my sisters to I resolve to be good. All noble efforts will be applauded. Chinese New Year is coming soon-its the Year of the Dragon!

We were sad to hear that Mrs. Raspantini broke her ankle. We made cards to cheer her up and said a prayer for healing. We are excited about meeting and working with Miss Castro.

Were working on a mural Winter Wonderland. Snowmen, sleds, ice skates, hockey, etc. will soon adorn our wall.  

Dear Mr. Weatherman,
Wheres the snow?
Dear Mr. Weatherman,
Wheres the snow?

The Kids

Dear Mr. Weatherman,
No snow is okay by me!

Ms. Gigler

We welcome a new friend to our class, Gassan Husein. We learned that Gassan loves Math and has traveled to Jordan

Coming up...
Presidents Day
The 100th Day of School
Valentines Day
Native American Unit and Trip


From the desk of Ms Costanzo..

Happy New Year. I hope all of you had a restful Christmas.

3rd and 4th graders are on their way to mastering their multiplication facts while the 4th graders are displaying data on charts and graphs.

We have been using our projector for many group lessons and class discussions. In Social Studies we are learning all about New York and we are now doing our own research about places in our great state. All the students are very excited.

5th and 6th graders are really having a great time in Science class. We became meteorologists and presented our own weather reports. Our presentations were videotaped and we watched ourselves on the Smart Board.

The children are excited about learning and that makes me excited about teaching.

If you have time, please stop by and see all the wonderful things your son/daughter is doing while at school. There are reports on display on the wall outside and inside the classroom.


Happy New Year from 5th & 6th grade.

In the Literacy Program 3-6 we are completing Unit 2 of the book, Treasures. The E.I.A. groups continue to do very well with Comprehension Skills, Spelling, Sequence, getting the main idea and Vocabulary Skills.

In Social Studies we are completing the unit on Native Americans, and we have planned a field trip for February 14, 2012, to visit the National Museum of the American Indian in Manhattan. A big Thank You to Mrs. Gomez for her research, supplying the information and booking the date for us.

In Religion, 5th & 6th will be studying the book of Exodus and Moses as their leader.

3rd & 4th grade will be studying St. Matthew and Jesus Sermon on the Mount.

We had an Assembly on Friday, January 6, 2012 to commemorate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The students did a marvelous job reading and singing. It was truly great!!!

Chelsea Ramdahanie, 6th grader, was the winner of our Spelling Bee held at QLS on January 6th. Leila Gomez, 5th grader, was our runner up. The girls took part at the NYC wide Lutheran Spelling Bee held on Thursday, January 12th at The Lutheran Church of Saint John in Flushing, New York.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Children's Church Breakfast - Sunday, January 22

Pennies for Patients


Dear Parent or Guardian of Grace Lutheran and Queens Lutheran School:

Please ask your family members, friends, neighbors to contribute spare change or bills,  to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  If you prefer to send in a check, please make it payable to: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. 

Your child may bring change to class on a daily basis.  The class which raises the most money will be given a pizza or ice cream party.

Supporting your child in this school-wide effort is vitally important.  Leukemia causes more deaths than any other cancer among children under the age of 20.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Mary-Elaine Leake