Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lessons for grades 3 through6, 4/16-4/20/2012

“Healthy Choices” “This Little light of mine” 2011-2012 school year
Week 30- Lessons, 4/16 -4/20/2012

3rd – 4th grades
Morning Meeting-8:30-8:45-: Attendance. Copy homework, Pledge/Devotions

Monday- Welcome back. Share time, what did you do? Spelling Pre Test.
Reports Cards will be distributed Thursday, 4/19. Please return signed by Monday 4/23.

Tuesday- Hand in spelling HW.
Puzzles and geometric shapes.

Wednesday- Prayer requests for Chapel.

Thursday- Complete any unfinished work / Handwriting, next pg. hand in if finished.
HW- Return signed report card.

Friday- Review spelling/quiet reading. Reminders- PE Monday, wear gym clothes.

3rd – 4th & 5th 6th - grades
Reading / Spelling 4th grade ELA, testing 4/17-4/19.

Monday- Spelling Pre Test, write wrong words 3 times each. Vocabulary, Chapter 4, The Green Christmas, 1) sled 2) operetta 3) duster 4) mumps 5) performance 6) disgusted 7) trousers 8) recite 9) cuspidor 10) ignore 11) beanie 12) taffeta 13) relish 14) fascinating 15) leprechaun 16) handkerchief Work in groups of 3.
HW- Skill sheets, Spelling Test Friday.

Tuesday- Chapter 4, Henry Huggins. Read together.
HW- Questions from chapter 4, The Green Christmas” 1) What time of the year is it? 2) What is Henry’s class getting ready for? 3) What part did Henry get in the play when Miss Roop was giving out the parts? 4) Did Henry want the first part that was given to him? 5) What was one way he thought of to get out of being Timmy? 6) What part did Henry end up with at the end of the chapter? 7) How did Henry end up with his new part? 8) Did Henry get the snow he was hoping for? Due Thursday.

Thursday- Hand in questions from Chapter 4. Go over questions. Writing: Continue chapter 4, write an ending. What happened next?
HW- Skill sheet. Spelling Test tomorrow.

Friday- Spelling Test. Henry Huggins, chapter 5, The Pale Pink Dog. How did Ribsy become pink? (tell what happened in chapter 5).

3rd – 4th grades

Monday- 3rd - Deal a Fact game, text pg. 243.
4th – Review for Math Assessment test, wk book pg. 81. (together).
HW- 3rd - wk book pg. 53.
4th- Continue to work on wk book pg. 81.

Tuesday- 3rd - Wk book pg. 54. (1-8), do (9-12) together. Hand in.
4th – ELA testing, 4/17-4/19.Go over pg. 81.
HW- 3rd - Wk book pg. 55. Multiplication Quiz Thursday.
4th – Understanding length, text pg. 364. Define length and copy units of length chart in N/B.

Wednesday- 3rd - Problem Solving, make an organized list. Text pgs.244-245.
4th – ELA testing, 4/17-4/19.
HW- 3rd – Review multiplication facts, 1 through 10 times tables. Quiz tomorrow.
4th – In N/B, define 1) capacity and 2) weight, and copy units of capacity chart on pg. 366 and units of weight chart on pg. 367.

Thursday- 3rd - Quiz, multiplication, 1 through 10 times tables.
4th – ELA testing, 4/17-4/19. HW- 3rd – none.
4th – Study charts in N/B.

Friday- 3rd – Do wk book pg. 56, wk in groups, make organized lists. Hand in.
4th – Review charts, do text pgs. 371-372, (1-20). Copy examples with answers. Go over.

3rd – 4th grades

Monday- Heat, pgs. 120-122. How does heat effect size? What is the difference between heat and temperature? How do animals use heat?

Tuesday- Wk sheet on pgs. 120-122.

Wednesday- In N/B, questions (1-3), pg.123. Go over.

Friday- On own, read pgs. 124-125, answer questions (1-2) pg. 125, on l/l.

3rd – 4th grades
Monday- Continue and complete Jesus mat.

Tuesday- The Easter story, Luke 24:1-49. The Resurrection and Jesus Appears to His Disciples.

Wednesday- In N/B explain what happened the day Jesus rose from the dead. Include: 1) What day of the week did Jesus rise? 2) Who were the first to know that Jesus had risen? (include their names) 3) What did they do when the angels told them Jesus had risen? 4) Which disciple ran to the tomb to see if the women were telling the truth? 5) What happened when Jesus appeared to his disciples? 6) What did Jesus tell his disciples to do?

* Wednesday Chapel @ 9:00. Parents are welcome to join us.

3rd – 4th grades
Social Studies:

Monday- In N/B, define vocabulary pg. 90, 1) Dutch West India Company 2) colony 3) colonist 4) governor 5) patroon go over.
HW- Vocabulary Quiz Thursday.

Tuesday- Work in groups, 4th grade look up people, Peter Minute and Peter Stuyvesant, tell who they were and what they did. Why are they important to New York’s history?
3rd grade look up Places, New Netherland, Fort Orange, and New Amsterdam. Tell when these colonies were founded and what parts of New York they were located.

Thursday- Vocabulary Quiz.
Share yesterday’s info with class. Read pgs. 90-93.

Friday- Continue reading, pgs. 94-95. Discuss questions with graph pg. 94.

PE- Monday and Friday, 1:40 – 2:20. (must be prepared to participate)
– PE Warm-up, exercise, and game activity. (depending on space and weather).


“Healthy Choices” “This Little light of mine” 2011-2012 school year
Week 30- Lessons, 4/16 -4/20/2012

5th – 6th – Grades 6th grade ELA 4/17-4/19.

Monday- Go over primes and composites using the rules of divisibility. Copy notes and examples. Review text pgs. 134-136, In N/B, do text pg. 137, (1-24).
HW- Complete CW.

Tuesday- Go over pg. 137, (1-24). Understanding Prime factorization, using a factor tree.
HW- In N/B do text pg. 137, (25-34).

Wednesday-Go over pg. 137, (25-34). Quiz Friday on Primes and Composites, Using Factor Trees and Rules of Divisibility.
HW- Review pgs. 134-137.

Thursday- Review for Quiz.
HW- review sheet.

Friday- Quiz, Primes and Composites, Using Factor Trees and Rules of Divisibility.

5th – 6th - Grades

Monday-Chapter 4, Lesson 1 pgs. 112-119. Define vocabulary, 1) climate, 2) tropical zone, 3) polar zone, 4) temperate zone, 5) marine climate, 6) continental climate, 7) windward, 8) leeward, 9) microclimate Go over.
HW- Review vocabulary.

Wednesday- Read pgs. 112-119.
HW- Complete reading.

Thursday- Global warming, class discussion. The change of seasons.
HW- In N/B, copy and answer question 4 on pg. 119.

Friday- Go over HW, on l/l, answer questions (1-3) pg. 119.

5th – 6th - Grades
PE- Monday and Friday, 1:40-2:20. (must be prepared to participate)