Sunday, October 14, 2012

From the desk of Ms. Costanzo

From the desk of Ms. Costanzo

“Graceful Growing” 2012-2013 School year.

Week 7- Lessons , 10/15-10/19.

Homework Sheet:

Other: Terra Nova testing this week.

Friday- Complete any unfinished work or work from absences.



1st grade- Terra Nova Testing this week. Review number recognition.

4th grade- Terra Nova Testing this week. Review pg. 61. Do 62, use vocab. on pg. 61. Due Wednesday.

5th grade- Terra Nova Testing this week. Review, do pg. 57. Due Wednesday.

6th grade- Terra Nova Testing this week. Review , do pgs. 45-46. Due Wednesday.


1st grade- Wk sheet, adding and recognizing number sentences.

4th grade- Complete pgs. 61-62.

5th grade- Complete pg. 57.

6th grade- Complete pgs. 45-46.

Wednesday- none.


1st grade- Writing 3 and 4.

4th 5th and 6th – wk sheets.


1st grade- Complete and missed or unfinished work.

4th grade- Complete and missed or unfinished work.

5th grade- Complete and missed or unfinished work.

6th grade- Complete and missed or unfinished work.

Science- 4th 5th and 6th -

Monday- Terra Nova test this week.

Tuesday- In notebook, write 5 facts about Earth.

Thursday- Complete and study vocabulary words. 1) revolution, 2) rotation, 3) solstice, and 4) equinox

Friday- Vocabulary quiz next week, Tuesday.

Religion- Grades, 4, 5, and 6 -

Monday- none

Tuesday- Chapel tomorrow, please bring an offering. $ or canned food.

Wednesday- Chapel @ 9:00. All are welcome. Offering going to Habitat for Humanity.

Thursday- Complete Lesson review sheets.

Friday- none

Tests and Quizzes:

1st grade Test 2, next week, Friday 10/26.

4th 5th and 6th - Vocabulary quiz, Tuesday 10/23.