Saturday, January 21, 2012

QLS Newsletter - January 2012 / February 2012

January 2012 / February 2012

This Little Light Of Mine (School Theme)
Healthy Choices (Curriculum Theme)


January 1: Tuition payment is due ($35.00 late fee if not received by the 10th of the month.)

January 6: Spelling Bee. Monthly Assembly @1:40 pm - Chapel

January 11: PTA Meeting

January 16: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.s Birthday Observed School Closed
January 17: February's Lunch Forms Distributed      

January 24: February's Lunch Forms Due     

January 26: Open House 6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m.
January 27: Second Marking Period Ends, Chinatown Trip 3rd 6th
January 29: Open House 1:00 p.m.  3:00 p.m.

February 2: Groundhog Day

February 3: School Closed Parent Teacher Conference Report Cards

February 12: Lincoln's Birthday

February 14: Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian, 1st - 6th, Valentines Day

February 20: Presidents Day

February 22: Washington's Birthday, Ash Wednesday

February 20-24: School Closed for Winter Break

Lunch Forms: For February were distributed on Tuesday January 17 and are due back on Tuesday, January 24.

Chapel Offerings: Collected each Wednesday in Chapel. For the months of January and February offerings will be given to the Lutheran Deaconess Association.

Healthy Choices: An interesting website was forwarded to us by one of our parents. Please check it out A daily email is sent out with news about recipes and new healthy alternatives to foods that we love like potato chips for example.

Stop By The Office: If you come to the school for any reason, please do not go to your child's class stop by the office first.


Wow! The holidays are over and were back to serious work.

We have been talking about heroes, people who make life better for others.

Second graders read books about famous inventors and did reports. They're on the wall outside our room. There are many kinds of heroes. Dr. King helped get unfair laws changed. We all completed portraits of Dr. King, which are on display on our wall of heroes.

The New Year gave us a time to think about how we each wish to improve ourselves. New Year resolutions range from I resolve to eat more healthy food; I resolve not hit my sisters to I resolve to be good. All noble efforts will be applauded. Chinese New Year is coming soon-its the Year of the Dragon!

We were sad to hear that Mrs. Raspantini broke her ankle. We made cards to cheer her up and said a prayer for healing. We are excited about meeting and working with Miss Castro.

Were working on a mural Winter Wonderland. Snowmen, sleds, ice skates, hockey, etc. will soon adorn our wall.  

Dear Mr. Weatherman,
Wheres the snow?
Dear Mr. Weatherman,
Wheres the snow?

The Kids

Dear Mr. Weatherman,
No snow is okay by me!

Ms. Gigler

We welcome a new friend to our class, Gassan Husein. We learned that Gassan loves Math and has traveled to Jordan

Coming up...
Presidents Day
The 100th Day of School
Valentines Day
Native American Unit and Trip


From the desk of Ms Costanzo..

Happy New Year. I hope all of you had a restful Christmas.

3rd and 4th graders are on their way to mastering their multiplication facts while the 4th graders are displaying data on charts and graphs.

We have been using our projector for many group lessons and class discussions. In Social Studies we are learning all about New York and we are now doing our own research about places in our great state. All the students are very excited.

5th and 6th graders are really having a great time in Science class. We became meteorologists and presented our own weather reports. Our presentations were videotaped and we watched ourselves on the Smart Board.

The children are excited about learning and that makes me excited about teaching.

If you have time, please stop by and see all the wonderful things your son/daughter is doing while at school. There are reports on display on the wall outside and inside the classroom.


Happy New Year from 5th & 6th grade.

In the Literacy Program 3-6 we are completing Unit 2 of the book, Treasures. The E.I.A. groups continue to do very well with Comprehension Skills, Spelling, Sequence, getting the main idea and Vocabulary Skills.

In Social Studies we are completing the unit on Native Americans, and we have planned a field trip for February 14, 2012, to visit the National Museum of the American Indian in Manhattan. A big Thank You to Mrs. Gomez for her research, supplying the information and booking the date for us.

In Religion, 5th & 6th will be studying the book of Exodus and Moses as their leader.

3rd & 4th grade will be studying St. Matthew and Jesus Sermon on the Mount.

We had an Assembly on Friday, January 6, 2012 to commemorate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The students did a marvelous job reading and singing. It was truly great!!!

Chelsea Ramdahanie, 6th grader, was the winner of our Spelling Bee held at QLS on January 6th. Leila Gomez, 5th grader, was our runner up. The girls took part at the NYC wide Lutheran Spelling Bee held on Thursday, January 12th at The Lutheran Church of Saint John in Flushing, New York.