To see all the photos: St. Nicholas Chapel and Breakfast with Santa
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
QLS Newsletter - December 2011/January 2012
December 2011/January 2012
This Little Light Of Mine (School Theme)
Healthy Choices (Curriculum Theme)
May your joys be bountiful and blessings be many this all through the New Year!
December 2011/January 2012
This Little Light Of Mine (School Theme)
Healthy Choices (Curriculum Theme)
May your joys be bountiful and blessings be many this all through the New Year!
December 1: Tuition payment is due ($35.00 late fee if not received by the 10th of the month.)
December 2: Monthly Assembly - All invited @1:40 pm - Chapel
December 6: Photo Retakes
December 7: Breakfast/Picture with Santa - Information will be distributed to the students on Friday.
December 15: Christmas Program 7:00 p.m. All invited
December 16: 1st 6th gr. Trip The Nutcracker Leaving at 9:30 a.m. returning at 1:00 p.m. Progress Reports 3rd - 6th
December 19: January's lunch forms are due.
December 23: DISMISSAL AT 12:00 P.M. Please note that this is a change to what is on our Yearly Calendar
January 3: Classes resume
January 16: School Closed in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Lunch Forms: For January will be distributed the second or third week in December and are due back on Monday, December 19.
Chapel Offerings: Collected each Wednesday in Chapel. For the months of January and February offerings will be given to the Lutheran Deaconess Association.
Stop By The Office: If you come to the school for any reason, please do not go to your child's class. You must stop by the office first.
Angels will be appearing in our classroom and hallway. Gods messengers had good news for His people long ago. That good news about Jesus birth is what Christmas is all about.
Each child made an Advent Chain. Advent is the time of waiting and counting the days before Christmas. Each link on the chain has the name of a classmate, relative or friend. Each day the child will take apart one ring on the chain and say a prayer for the person whose name is on it. The prayer can be simple, that God will be with the child and bless him or her.
Social Studies lessons will focus on our needs and wants. As time goes by, our wants seem to increase. Well learn about what we really need. Our chart paper will have interesting lists.
Christmas is celebrated in many ways the world over. Well be finding out about some traditions in other countries. Did you know that Martin Luther introduced the Christmas tree in Germany in the 1500s? Did you know that Silent Night was first played on a guitar when the church organ broke down?
Daniel Gomez - The International Luncheon was very good. It lasted two hours. I ate some turkey and pizza. We made place mats for it. I especially liked dessert. For dessert I ate a pumpkin cupcake and two cookies. They had lots of food
Alex Figueroa -The International Luncheon was full of fun, food, and friend. Advent began. We are preparing for Jesus birth. We have a new student in 3rd grade. His name is Lucas. We are becoming good friends.
T.J. Peters Advent - this is when we prepare to get ready for the birth of Jesus. Decorate our homes, send out Christmas cards, we sing Christmas carols, buy gifts for others, we bake a cake and cookies, invite friends and families to our homes.
Christmas Christmas, the day Jesus was born on Christmas is 12 days long December 25
Epiphany To reveal this when the wise men visited January 6 little Christmas
Max Parada- I really enjoyed the International Luncheon. I liked the chicken parm and the turkey. I also enjoyed the pizza, the dessert was delicious. I had two sugar cookies, they were great. That's all folks.
Lucas Nestman - I had a good time at the International Luncheon. There was a lot of food and there is a new kid named Lucas. We learn Math and Science. There is a new teacher named Ms. Fox.
Lucas Duddy - The new people are awesome! Including me I am the new Lucas. And the old Lucas is the old Lucas.
Meredith Larkin - The 3rd and 4th grade wishes you a Merry Christmas.
Sherry Costanzo - The 3rd and 4th graders are getting ready for Christmas. We have so much to do. We are trying to get use to our new schedule. We are learning so many new things, and are very busy. I am very proud of my students.
I pray everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving in the company of family and friends. We have begun working on our Christmas Program. I cant believe Christmas will soon be here.
It was great meeting with the parents on Parent/Guardian/Teacher Conference Day. The students were very pleased with their report cards. They worked very hard this past quarter. We have restructured the English/Language Arts program to assist us in addressing our students specific needs.
In Grammar class we have completed the work on nouns. We will now begin working on verbs.
In Social Studies we are covering the Native Americans of the Southwest, of the Woodland, of the Plains, and of the West.
In Religion we are using the book Voyages Exploring Gods Word Gods Promises, Gods Word Revealed, Gods Messenger, God word so seed, Gods word as Rock and Shield, Gods word promises wisdom, teaches parables, Gods word assures and strengthens.
Many changes are taking place and there is so much to accomplish in the coming months.
Yours in Christ, Barbara Darden
The choir continues to rehearse every Wednesday and Friday. We are working hard on our Christmas Program, Gifts of Light, which we will present on Thursday, December 15th, at 7:00 p.m. The story of the birth of Christ will be told in readings and songs, both new and old. Come and support your children as they remind us about the reason for the season.
Our choir has also been invited to sing for the Happy Seniors of Northwest Astoria, which is a senior citizens club that meets every Wednesday from 1:00-3:00 pm in the school hall at Immaculate Conception Church. This club was formed forty years ago at Grace Lutheran, but it moved to ICC when it became too large for our facilities. Each week there is a different group invited to perform, and the program director asked me if our choir would like to come and sing for the seniors. We haven't scheduled a date yet, but it will be sometime after Christmas. I will let you know.
Meanwhile, have a wonderful Christmas! Pastor James Klockau
For the months of November and December, chapel offerings are going to support the work of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. In December we will also take a special offering for classroom textbooks for a school in Tanzania, Africa. Our goal is $300 to provide science, math, and reading books for a whole classroom. Please mark your special offerings textbooks for Tanzania, so that we can keep them separate from the regular chapel offerings.
Chapel offerings for the months of January and February will go to the Lutheran Deaconess Association. The LDA is a nearly century old ministry that prepares women to serve Christ in various ministries, such as teaching, nursing, counseling, social ministry, youth ministry, music, and so on. It is roughly the equivalent of a religious community of nuns in the Roman Catholic Church. Interestingly, the LDA recently approved the admission of men to the diaconate, because of an increasing desire of both young men and young women to enter lives of faith and service. For more information about the LDA, visit it on the web:
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
QLS Newsletter - October/November 2011
This Little Light Of Mine (School Theme)
Healthy Choices (Curriculum Theme)
O Give thanks to the Lord for He is good and his mercy endures forever
November 1: Tuition payment is due ($35 late fee if not received by the 10th of the month.)
November 4: School Closed-Staff development
November 16: PTA Meeting 6:00 p.m. (please note the change date)
November 11: 1st Marking Period Ends - Veterans Day - School Closed
November 18: School Closed Parent Teacher Conferences Report Cards issued
November 21: International Thanksgiving Luncheon 10:30 a.m. - All are welcome
November 24 & 25: School Closed Thanksgiving Holiday
Report Cards: Will be handed to the parent guardian at the Parent/Guardian/Teacher Conference on Friday, November 18. The children have no school on that day.
Lunch Forms: For December will be distributed the second or third week in November and are due back on Tuesday, November 22nd.
Chapel Offerings: Collected each Wednesday in Chapel. For the months of November and December offerings will be given to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Childrens Church: Every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Everyone is welcome.
Parking: Please do not park in the NO Standing Zone in the front of the school. This area is designated for our school buses and need to remain clear for the safety of all.
Illnesses: If your child is ill with a cough, cold, fever, etc., as a consideration to you child, to other children and staff please keep him/her home until hes/she's better. Thank you.
Uniform: November is here the girls may now wear their navy blue Marlou pants and the boys must wear their short or long sleeve dress shirt and tie. Polo shirts are no longer allowed, not until May.
School An online shopping mall with over 200 merchants including Sears, Target, Office Depot, Wal-Mart, Disney Store, Family Book Store and many more. When your family and friends make everyday online purchases from their favorite merchants, our school earns money. Information was sent home with your child on Monday.
Box Tops For Education: Box Tops for Education is an ongoing fundraiser with no extra cost to the participant. The Box Tops are sent into General Mills for compensation to the school. Please clip them from participating General Mills Products and send them in with you child. Thank you again for your support.
Ink And Toner Cartridges: Staples gives our school $2.00 back in Staples Rewards per cartridge. Ink Recycling Rewards are issued monthly. We use our rewards funds to purchase supplies for our school. Thank you parents/guardians for bringing them to us.
Stop & Shop: If you have a Stop & Shop Card, please register your card on line and select Queens Lutheran School for reward points.
Target: Target Take Charge of Education Program allows Target credit card holders to register their card. Eventually Target will make donations to the school of our choice. Our school is listed and there are 7 people already registered. So remember, if you shop at Target register your card and designate Queens Lutheran School to receive a percentage of your purchases. Thank you.
October was a busy time in the first and second grade room. We've been putting our phonics skills to work and learning new vocabulary words. We used cubes, links, counting rods, and number lines to strengthen our math skills. Autumn changes was our Science topic.
We followed a recipe to make several batches of delicious pumpkin cookies. We found out theres a lot of measuring, mixing, and stirring to make cookies from scratch. We were glad to share our yummy goodies with everyone at the Fall Festival. A special thank you to all who brought in ingredients, and to Mr. Jung and Mr. Johnson who helped bake and keep the peace.
Mrs. Pegas enjoys joining us on Friday afternoons for our art class. She helped us make amazing masks and giant bookmarks.
Pastor James meets with Grades 1-6 every Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning for choir. We begin each session with vocal warm-up exercises, which help get our voices ready to sing and also help us to concentrate on deep breathing.
We are learning lots of songs, both secular and religious. Patriotic songs are important, so we are learning American the Beautiful, My County Tis of Thee, and The Battle Hymn of the Republic. Weve also learned lots of American folk songs and popular songs. Every once in a while we have fun with a song in a foreign language, like Ach, Du lieber Augustin and Frere Jacques. Finally, we learn hymns and songs that we will use in chapel and Childrens Church, and soon we will begin preparing for our International Thanksgiving Luncheon and our Christmas program.
Stay tuned for more choir notes. We may be splitting the choir in two and adding Kindergarten, so that we will have a junior and senior choir. Ask your children what they did in choir this week.
Pastor James Klockau
Art in an important subject for everyone! It teaches children to express themselves in a fun and creative way.
Our art classes are filled with crafty projects and the children have had lots of fun! We have made comic books, bookmarks, Halloween projects and lots more.
Our theme is recycling and the children have been learning to use recycled items to create fun things while learning to save our planet..
Please send in to our Art department: plastic bottles, caps, paper towel and toilet paper tubes for future projects. (Clean bottles only please!)
October is almost over and great things have been going on.
3rd and 4th graders.....
have learned the four types of sentences, subjects and predicates, conjunctives, simple and compound sentences. They are now learning the different kinds of nouns.
In Reading they are learning how to find the topic sentence, how to locate details and main ideas. They are learning to use graphic organizers to organize their thoughts. They are writing narrative paragraphs and learning the skill of comparing and contrasting the stories they are reading.
5th and 6th graders.....
Are working on Unit 2 - Nouns. They are learning plural and singular nouns, collective and compound nouns, and possessive nouns.
In Reading they are learning the comprehension skills of character, setting and plot. Cause and effect relationships, making inferences and analyzing what they read.
In Social Studies we are learning about the early History of America, the importance of oral traditions and how it was passed down. We are also learning the importance of Time Lines.
In Religion we will be using a new book, Voyages Exploring Gods Word.
The students are happy that the Terra Nova testing is over and are looking forward to find out the results.
All my students had a wonderful time at the Fall Festival and the Halloween Party.
Below is a brief summary of what we have been doing in computer class.
6th Grade - The students have completed their Personal Possessions PowerPoint slide show and presented it to the class. They have included on this assignment clip art, sounds, and animation schemes.
6th Grade Halloween flyers are now on display outside the computer room and on the lower level.
A Halloween presentation which tells the story of Halloween is in the works telling about its beginnings, customs, and how we celebrate today.
5th Grade - The students have completed their Ancient Empires PowerPoint slide show and presented it to the class. They also have included on this assignment clip art, sounds, and animation schemes.
5th Grade Halloween flyers are now on display outside the computer room and on the lower level.
A Halloween presentation which tells the story of Halloween is in the works telling about its beginnings, customs, and how we celebrate today.
3rd/4th Grade - Keyboarding, Levels 2 4. Each student is working at his/her own pace and some are more advanced than others.
1st/2nd Grade - The 1st and 2nd graders are continuing to enjoy their time at computers. They are becoming more comfortable with using and understanding the ins and outs of the world of technology.
My 3rd and 4th graders are happy that Terra Nova Standardized testing are complete and we can now get back to our usual business.
We had a great time during the month of October. We learned so many new things and had a lot of fun at the special events that took place at school. We are looking forward too see what November will bring.
I hope you'll enjoy reading the notes below from the 3rd and 4th graders, in their own words, spelling and punctuation of course, with minimal corrections from me, about whats going on at our school
- The Fall Festival by Daniel Grade 3
The Fall Festival was very fun. They had donuts and muffins. One of their activities was you make a spider out of snacks and then eat it. The Fall Festival had pumpkin picking. They had face painting, but you dont have to get it on your face. Some of the designs for face painting were scars, bats, ghosts and you can get it in any color.
- Fall Festival by Peter Grade 3
The Fall Festival was great! They had apple cider, marsh mellow spider making, face painting, pumpkin picking, and pumpkin decorating. It was drizzling. It was a little wet. The Fall Festival was great!
- The Party by Max Grade 3
I had a really good time with Matthew. We invited the whole class. The presents I got were cool too. I got a Mechno Godzila toy from my Nana. I got regular Godzila toys from Daniel. I got the bridge of the Enterprise from my mom. I got 2 lego hero factory men from Alejandro and I got Blokus from Meredith. Lucas gave me a Web shooter, and of course the cake tasted good.
- Fall Festival by Lucas Grade 3
At the Fall Festival I made a spider and had a good time it was great it was a great day. I wonder when the next fall festival is here. I cant wait for it. I had a good time at this Fall Festival. I didnt want my face painted this time.
- Fall Festival and Terra Nova by Alejandro Grade 3
We had Terra Nova Tests in October. It was hard work. I think we did well. We had a Fall Festival and we went pumpkin picking and we got to decorate the pumpkins too. I got my face painted. I made a spider out of pretzels, marshmallows and candy glue.
- Terra Nova Tests by Matthew Grade 3
The 3rd and 4th grade students and I had a Terra Nova Test. Dont know if I got some answers wrong. I know I got a lot correct. I had a great time during the tera nova test. I dont know how good I did on the test. I learned some things at the test. Some questions were hard some were easy. I had a small test after that. It was another Terra Nova Test, but it was shorter. It had different things on it.
- Halloween and Halloween Party Meredith Grade 3
On October 28, 2011 we will have a Halloween party. Im going to bring Halloween cookies. I am also going to dress up like a cat. The cookies will be brought in on Monday for 3rd and 4th grades. (I included the office and Mrs. Darden.) There will be cookie decorating and sweets.
- Fall Festival - by Alex Grade 4
I liked the fall festival because there was plenty of things like making marsh mellow spiders and designing your own pumpkin and there was plenty to eat. There was face painting and that is why I like the Fall Festival
- Fall Festival by T. J. Grade 3
The Fall Festival was awesome. I got to make spider webs. I got to make a spider and it had marshmallows and pretzels. I got my face painted. I got to decorate my pumpkin. We all had a lot of fun.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
QLS Newsletter - September/October 2011
This Little Light Of Mine (School Theme)
Healthy Choices (Curriculum Theme)
The best teachers teach from the heart not from the book. (Author Unknown)
Welcome new and returning students and parents. We look forward to a successful 2011-2012 School Year
October 1 - Tuition payment is due ($35 late fee if not received by the 10th of the month.)
October 10 - Columbus Day - School Closed
October 12 - PTA Meeting 6:00 PM
October 14 - Fall Festival / Progress Reports (3rd 6th Grade)
October 17-21 - Standardized Testing
October 25 and 26 - School Pictures
October 28 - Halloween Party (K-6)
Childrens Church: Every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Everyone is welcome.
Chapel Offerings: Collected each Wednesday in Chapel. For the months of September and October offerings will be given to aide victims of Hurricane Irene.
Lunch Forms: Were distributed and were due back on Tuesday, September 27.
School Closed: Monday, October 10 - Columbus Day
Progress Reports: Friday, October 14 will be sent home with students in grades 3 6.
Terra Nova Standardized Tests: Monday, October 17 through Friday, October 21.
Parking: Please do not park in the NO Standing Zone in the front of the school. This area is designated for our school buses and need to remain clear for the safety of all.
Rally Day/Back To School Picnic: Thank you to Pastor Klockau, Grace Council members and Grace Congregation for the wonderful Back to School BBQ. We would also like to thank those of you who attended and brought a delicious dish to share. A great time was had by all.
School An online shopping mall with over 200 merchants including Sears, Target, Office Depot, Wal-Mart, Disney Store, Family Book Store and many more. When your family and friends make everyday online purchases from their favorite merchants, our school earns money. Information was sent home with your child on Monday.
Box Tops For Education: Box Tops for Education is an ongoing fundraiser with no extra cost to the participant. The Box Tops are sent into General Mills for compensation to the school. Please clip them from participating General Mills Products and send them in with you child. Thank you again for your support.
Ink And Toner Cartridges: Staples gives our school $2.00 back in Staples Rewards per cartridge. Ink Recycling Rewards are issued monthly. We use our rewards funds to purchase supplies for our school. Thank you parents/guardians for bringing them to us.
Stop & Shop: If you have a Stop & Shop Card, please register your card on line and select Queens Lutheran School for reward points.
Target: Target Take Charge of Education Program allows Target credit card holders to register their card. Eventually Target will make donations to the school of our choice. Our school is listed and there are 7 people already registered. So remember, if you shop at Target register your card and designate Queens Lutheran School to receive a percentage of your purchases. Thank you.
First and second graders are getting used to a new class, new rules, and new neighbors.
John said, First grade is having fun. I like gym.
Bilal likes going to the playground
Andrew said, I like new words and numbers.
We enjoyed the beginning of Autumn. We made leaf prints and painted using Fall colors
The 3rd and 4th graders are settling in. We are all loving school and our new teachers.
We are learning all kinds of things. In Social Studies we are discovering maps and how to read them.
We are all scientists during science class and we are discovering new things everyday.
Math is my favorite subject and we are learning place value. I am really enjoying my students. They are all very smart and a lot of fun.
The 5th and 6th graders are also settling in. They are all excited to learn.
In Math class we are reading, writing and changing decimals.
Science in 5th and 6th grade has been interesting. We are learning about our weather and why it changes.
I hope the students are having as much fun as I am.
Hope you all have a great October. Have a Happy Holloween.
From the students in 5th & 6th grade (in their own words)
Natalie: Pollution
Pollution is bad. We will have to recycle. Please save our Earth.
Bella Garabedian: Haiku about Pollution
Pollution is gross. Please help us save our earth. Schools should help as well.
A Haiku by James Garcia: Pollution
Help save our world. Give a hoot and dont pollute. Please, please save us now.
Dylan Gomez: Pollution
Dont pollute the air. Put your garbage in the trash. Help keep the world clean.
Leila Gomez: Pollution
Help recycle now. Pollution is bad for us. Keep our air clean.
Alexandru Iacob: Pollution
Dont dare to pollute. Pollution destroys Earths air. Help to keep Earth clean.
Emma Johnson: Pollution
Please save our Oceans now. Save the trees and the planet. Pollution is bad.
Please stop polluting. Polluting kills our earth. Make less pollution.
Kevin Simmons: Haiku = Poems, Pollution Science
Pollution kills earth. Smoking is bad for the earth. Acid rain harms soil.
Noah Panchure
Help save our earth. Pollution gives diseases. Please stop polluting.
Mia: Pollution
We should not burn trash. We should make electric cars. Buildings should not smoke.
Pollution is bad. Please help us save our Earth. Dont pollute the air.
Gabriel Roman: Science Haiku
Pollution Pollution is bad. Please stop polluting the Earth. Plastic pollutes Earth.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Rally Day and Picnic - September 25
September 20, 2011
Dear QLS Families,
You are cordially invited to Grace’s annual “Rally Day” and Picnic this Sunday, September 25, 2011. This is a special day to celebrate the community of Church and School and to share in good food and fellowship.
The day will begin with a special worship service in the church at 10:00 a.m. (There will be no Children’s Church that day so that everyone will be encouraged to come together at one time). A special blessing will be said for the children, the teachers and staff, and the church council.
Immediately after the service, at about 11:30, we will have a picnic in the church yard. We will provide the hamburgers, hot dogs, and drinks. You are invited to bring a dish to share, such as a salad, vegetable, or dessert. The festivities should conclude by 2:00 p.m.
I hope that you will be able to join us as we kick-off a great new school year!
See you then,
Pastor James Klockau
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Ms. Costanzo's Lessons, grades 3 - 6.
“Healthy Choices” “ This Little light of mine” 2011-2012 school year
Week 1- Lessons , 9/7-9/9
3rd – 4th grades
Morning Meeting-8:30-9:00-: Attendance. Copy homework, Pledge/Devotions
Wednesday- first day of school. Welcome. Chapel @ 9:00am, dismissal @ 11:00am. Getting to know you, class discussion. Who are you, work sheets.
Thursday- First Full Day of School. Class begins at 8:30. Discuss Class Rules and Schedules.
Friday- Remembering 9/11. HW- Supplies due Monday.
3rd – 4th grades Math- (double period blocks) Tuesday, Friday- 9:00-10:20 and Wednesday, 9:30-10:20.
Wednesday- first day of school. Welcome. Chapel @ 9:00am, dismissal @ 11:00am. Getting to know you, class discussion. Who are you, work sheets.
Friday- Introduction: distribute texts, review table of contents. Practice reading and writing large numbers. Review place value.
3rd – 4th grades Science-(double period blocks) Monday, Thursday- 9:00-10:20
Thursday- Healthy choices, What are some choices you make every day? How do you know if the choices you make are healthy ones? Distribute text books, review table of contents.
3rd – 4th grades Religion : Monday @ 1:40-2:20, Tuesday and Thursday @ 12:20-1:00.
Wednesday- First Day of School. Chapel @ 9:00.
Thursday- Different Religions, one God. What is your faith and how do you show your faith in your life?
PE- 3rd - 4th - Monday and Friday, 12:20-1:00. (must be prepared to participate)
Friday – PE rules. Warm-up, exercise, and game activity. (depending on space and weather).
“Healthy Choices” “ This Little light of mine” 2011-2012 school year
Week 1- Lessons , 9/7-9/9
5th – 6th - Grades Math-(double period blocks) Tuesday, Wednesday, 10:20-11:30 and Friday, 11:00-11:30.
Wednesday- First Day of School.
Friday- Introduction: distribute texts, review table of contents. Practice reading and writing large numbers. Review place value.
HW- Supplies due Monday.
5th – 6th - Grades Science-(double period blocks) Monday, Thursday- 10:20-11:30.
Thursday- What causes changes in the environment? What are some changes you observed over the past 6 months due to weather conditions? How do these changes affect life on earth? Distribute texts, review table of contents.
HW- Supplies due Monday.
5th – 6th - Grades PE- Monday and Friday, 1:40-2:20. (must be prepared to participate)
Friday – PE rules. Warm-up, exercise, and game activity. (depending on space and weather).
Week 1- Lessons , 9/7-9/9
3rd – 4th grades
Morning Meeting-8:30-9:00-: Attendance. Copy homework, Pledge/Devotions
Wednesday- first day of school. Welcome. Chapel @ 9:00am, dismissal @ 11:00am. Getting to know you, class discussion. Who are you, work sheets.
Thursday- First Full Day of School. Class begins at 8:30. Discuss Class Rules and Schedules.
Friday- Remembering 9/11. HW- Supplies due Monday.
3rd – 4th grades Math- (double period blocks) Tuesday, Friday- 9:00-10:20 and Wednesday, 9:30-10:20.
Wednesday- first day of school. Welcome. Chapel @ 9:00am, dismissal @ 11:00am. Getting to know you, class discussion. Who are you, work sheets.
Friday- Introduction: distribute texts, review table of contents. Practice reading and writing large numbers. Review place value.
3rd – 4th grades Science-(double period blocks) Monday, Thursday- 9:00-10:20
Thursday- Healthy choices, What are some choices you make every day? How do you know if the choices you make are healthy ones? Distribute text books, review table of contents.
3rd – 4th grades Religion : Monday @ 1:40-2:20, Tuesday and Thursday @ 12:20-1:00.
Wednesday- First Day of School. Chapel @ 9:00.
Thursday- Different Religions, one God. What is your faith and how do you show your faith in your life?
PE- 3rd - 4th - Monday and Friday, 12:20-1:00. (must be prepared to participate)
Friday – PE rules. Warm-up, exercise, and game activity. (depending on space and weather).
“Healthy Choices” “ This Little light of mine” 2011-2012 school year
Week 1- Lessons , 9/7-9/9
5th – 6th - Grades Math-(double period blocks) Tuesday, Wednesday, 10:20-11:30 and Friday, 11:00-11:30.
Wednesday- First Day of School.
Friday- Introduction: distribute texts, review table of contents. Practice reading and writing large numbers. Review place value.
HW- Supplies due Monday.
5th – 6th - Grades Science-(double period blocks) Monday, Thursday- 10:20-11:30.
Thursday- What causes changes in the environment? What are some changes you observed over the past 6 months due to weather conditions? How do these changes affect life on earth? Distribute texts, review table of contents.
HW- Supplies due Monday.
5th – 6th - Grades PE- Monday and Friday, 1:40-2:20. (must be prepared to participate)
Friday – PE rules. Warm-up, exercise, and game activity. (depending on space and weather).
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Welcome - from Ms. Gigler...
First Day of School - Grades 1 and 2
September, 2011
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Greetings! Welcome to the QLS family and our class! I hope you and your child are ready for a year filled with exciting things to do and many things to learn.
This year beginners will learn to read and returning students will continue the study of Reading in hopes of becoming confident independent readers. The phonics he/she will learn, will help in the study of Spelling, English, Creative Writing and all other school work. Learning to read requires practice and lots of it. I ask that you sit down with your child each evening and read together. Read to your child, then let your child read to you.
For beginners, this is a time to develop basic learning skills that will pave the way for future learning. For returning students, this is a time of transition from learning to read to reading to learn. Our other subjects include, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Religion, Art, Music, Handwriting, Computers, Foreign Language and Physical Education.
Your child will receive Homework each night. Homework is a review or practice of material covered in class. Students will copy assignments in their notebooks daily. I will check to see that assignments are completed and neat. Assist your child by checking and explaining things they are not sure of, but DO NOT do the work for them.
Here is a list of supplies your child will need this year:
I think thats enough for one letter! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at the school, 718.721.4313 or send an e-mail,
Im looking forward to a good year, I trust you are too!
Yours in Christ,
Deanna J. Gigler
P.S. Well be having a Back to School Night soon. At that time you will receive details about our curriculum and classroom procedures. You'll also get to meet other parents. Hope to see you then Check the schools Monthly Calendar, distributed to your child once a month. The calendar can be viewed on our Web Page:
September, 2011
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Greetings! Welcome to the QLS family and our class! I hope you and your child are ready for a year filled with exciting things to do and many things to learn.
This year beginners will learn to read and returning students will continue the study of Reading in hopes of becoming confident independent readers. The phonics he/she will learn, will help in the study of Spelling, English, Creative Writing and all other school work. Learning to read requires practice and lots of it. I ask that you sit down with your child each evening and read together. Read to your child, then let your child read to you.
For beginners, this is a time to develop basic learning skills that will pave the way for future learning. For returning students, this is a time of transition from learning to read to reading to learn. Our other subjects include, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Religion, Art, Music, Handwriting, Computers, Foreign Language and Physical Education.
Your child will receive Homework each night. Homework is a review or practice of material covered in class. Students will copy assignments in their notebooks daily. I will check to see that assignments are completed and neat. Assist your child by checking and explaining things they are not sure of, but DO NOT do the work for them.
Here is a list of supplies your child will need this year:
- Pencils
- Pencil Case - soft sided with a zipper, not a box, please
- Eraser
- 2 Extra Large Bookcovers - the cloth stretch kind
- Bookbag
- Sneakers
- 2 Folders with pockets Marble Notebook
- Daily Notebook ($1.25 will be purchased at class bookstore)
- Sneaker Sack - (a mesh lingerie laundry bag just large enough to hold a pair of sneakers works well)
- Scissors - Fiskers are a good brand (have a pair at home also, for homework)
- Glue - 4 oz. Elmers School Glue
- A box of 24 Crayola Crayons
- Squirt bottle of liquid soap and Clorox wipes (yellow or orange only please)
- Large box of tissues
- FOLDER - A school folder is supplied by Q.L.S.
- BOOK COVERS - The HARDCOVER BOOKS MUST BE COVERED. (Please use the stretchy cloth type cover-they last all year.) If you use paper, be sure the cover forms flaps inside the books so that the cover doesn't come off when the book is opened.
DO NOT USE TAPE OR CONTACT ON THE BOOK AS THIS CAUSES DAMAGE!!! - UNIFORMS - School uniforms must be worn each day. Check the Q.L.S. Parent/Student Handbook for the Dress Code.
- ABSENCE - For each absence from school, a note from a parent/guardian must be sent in. For extended absences, a doctors note must accompany the child upon his/her return to school. If your child has a health problem or allergies that I should be aware of, please send me a note.
- LATENESS - Students go to their classroom at 8:15 a.m. Classes begin promptly at 8:30 a.m. Any child arriving in the classroom after 8:30 a.m. must go to the office and get a late slip. If your child arrives before 8:15 a.m., a teacher will be on duty in the blue room. Dismissal is a 2:30 p.m. If your pickup is delayed or there is a change kindly drop me a note and call the school office.
- MONIES - There will be times when you will be sending monies to school with your child. (Book club, trip, tickets, lunch, etc.)
Clearly mark the front of the envelope with your child's name, grade and purpose of the monies. Do not combine monies - use separate envelopes for Lunch, Book Club, etc. Loose monies cannot be accepted! - PARTIES /BIRTHDAYS - We will be having several parties for holidays - more news about that at a later date. If you wish to celebrate your child's birthday in school, please let me know the week before so I can set aside time. Individual servings are best - e.g. cupcakes, donuts. A parent or another adult should come to assist with serving and clean up.
- PTA - The PTA will be recruiting class parents shortly. Our class needs two parents to help at parties, go on trips, help with paperwork, make telephone calls, etc. If you can be of assistance, please contact me.
I think thats enough for one letter! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at the school, 718.721.4313 or send an e-mail,
Im looking forward to a good year, I trust you are too!
Yours in Christ,
Deanna J. Gigler
P.S. Well be having a Back to School Night soon. At that time you will receive details about our curriculum and classroom procedures. You'll also get to meet other parents. Hope to see you then Check the schools Monthly Calendar, distributed to your child once a month. The calendar can be viewed on our Web Page:
Friday, August 26, 2011
First Day of School...
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Below is information concerning your child's return to school.
The first day of school is Wednesday, September 7, 2011 with opening chapel at 9:00 a.m. Students should wear their uniforms or their Sunday best dress. Dismissal is at 11:00 a.m. Parents and guardians are welcome to join us for a continental breakfast following chapel.
There will be NO BUS SERVICE the first day, Wednesday, September 7th. The Office of Pupil Transportation has informed us that regular bus service will begin on Thursday, September 8th. In the morning, buses will pick up the children at the designated stop and drop them off in front of the school. In the afternoon, the buses will pick up the children at the school and drop them off at the same stop where they were picked up in the morning.
The first FULL day of school will be Thursday, September 8th. AFTERSCHOOL EXTENDED CARE also begins on Thursday, September 8th. The children change into play clothes after their regular school day, so please be sure their clothes are labeled.
Please be sure to label your child's belongings: sneakers, sweaters, jackets, hats, gloves, scarves, slacks, shirts, back packs, lunch bags - EVERYTHING.
NEW STUDENTS must have an updated medical form on or before their first day of school.
Our Used But Not Abused uniform sale began in late August and continues through the month of September.
Please be advised when you are making uniform purchases for your child that QLS is considering a change to the Lands End school uniform effective September 2012. More information will be available at the first PTA meeting.
Please make tuition checks payable to Queens Lutheran School.
Tuition payments are considered late after the 1st of the month and subject to a late fee. If your tuition payment is not received by the 10th of the month, your child will not be permitted to attend school.
We look forward to welcoming you back to school!
Mary-Elaine Leake
Principal, Queens Luteran School
Below is information concerning your child's return to school.
The first day of school is Wednesday, September 7, 2011 with opening chapel at 9:00 a.m. Students should wear their uniforms or their Sunday best dress. Dismissal is at 11:00 a.m. Parents and guardians are welcome to join us for a continental breakfast following chapel.
There will be NO BUS SERVICE the first day, Wednesday, September 7th. The Office of Pupil Transportation has informed us that regular bus service will begin on Thursday, September 8th. In the morning, buses will pick up the children at the designated stop and drop them off in front of the school. In the afternoon, the buses will pick up the children at the school and drop them off at the same stop where they were picked up in the morning.
The first FULL day of school will be Thursday, September 8th. AFTERSCHOOL EXTENDED CARE also begins on Thursday, September 8th. The children change into play clothes after their regular school day, so please be sure their clothes are labeled.
Please be sure to label your child's belongings: sneakers, sweaters, jackets, hats, gloves, scarves, slacks, shirts, back packs, lunch bags - EVERYTHING.
NEW STUDENTS must have an updated medical form on or before their first day of school.
- All students must wear the official QLS Marlou uniform. More information about uniform regulations may be found in the Parent/Guardian/Student Handbook.
- Girls skirts are not to be above the knee.
- Make-up is not permitted during the school day. No long fingernails or excessive jewelry.
- Girls must wear flats no clogs, high heels, or shoes with 2 or 3 inch wide heels. Boots or sneakers (except on P.E. days) are not to be worn in school
- Boys must wear charcoal gray, uniform slacks and navy tie. Ties must be worn every day.
- Boys must wear loafers or laced shoes boots or sneakers (except on P.E. days) are not to be worn in school.
- Sneakers are to be worn by boys and girls during recess and on physical education days. The QLS gym uniform (sweat pants and sweat shirts) must be worn on assigned P.E. days.
Our Used But Not Abused uniform sale began in late August and continues through the month of September.
Please be advised when you are making uniform purchases for your child that QLS is considering a change to the Lands End school uniform effective September 2012. More information will be available at the first PTA meeting.
- 12 Month Payment Plan: July and August should have already been paid. Your next payment is due September 1, 2011.
- 10 Month Payment Plan: Your first payment is due September 1, 2011
Please make tuition checks payable to Queens Lutheran School.
Tuition payments are considered late after the 1st of the month and subject to a late fee. If your tuition payment is not received by the 10th of the month, your child will not be permitted to attend school.
We look forward to welcoming you back to school!
Mary-Elaine Leake
Principal, Queens Luteran School
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Welcome to QLS and Grace, Mrs. Mary-Elaine Leake
August 23, 2011
Dear Parents of Grace Lutheran School and Queens Lutheran School:
It is with great pleasure that I announce the appointment of Mary-Elaine Leake as Director of Grace Lutheran School and Principal of Queens Lutheran School. Mrs. Leake comes to us with thirty-two years of experience as a classroom teacher, principal, and early childhood director. Most recently she has been serving as director of the Bethlehem Lutheran Nursery School in Baldwin, Long Island. I have known Mary for twenty-two years. She began her teaching career at Queens Lutheran School, so she is “coming home” to take the leadership of both school programs at Grace. We are fortunate to have found someone with such extensive experience in both early childhood and elementary education.
With the start of the new school year just two weeks away, Mrs. Leake will be busy meeting with teachers and staff to prepare to open our doors for the first day of school. We will announce a time when parents can meet and greet her in the very near future.
I look forward to welcoming you in person!
Pastor James Klockau
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
QLS Computer Project
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Ubuntu Linux running on an old PC. |
The answer is simple: switch the old computers over to the free Ubuntu Linux. Ubuntu is a very easy to learn and use system. It even comes loaded with free software and pretty much every driver you'll ever need. It's ready to go the moment you restart the computer. There also hundreds, if not thousands, of free software titles, including education software. Of course, it's not Windows, so it won't run Windows software. But there are equivalents. It's also very secure and infection proof.
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Ubuntu desktop - on the web with Firefox. |
If you decide to try Ubuntu you'll have several options: run it from a CD/DVD so it won't touch anything on your Windows machine, add it along side Windows on the PC so you have a choice, or convert the PC completely. If you can burn a CD/DVD you can safely try Ubuntu. If not, you can request a disk be sent to you by mail - free.
You can also consider donating the computer to the school.
We recently completed a Windows to Ubuntu conversion. A parent generously donated a complete, but old, Windows Vista computer system - but not the Windows disk or the password. It was not usable that way. In under an hour it was perfectly converted to Ubuntu without a single problem. Everything works and now the school has a "new computer" for the students complete with a scanner. The cost to convert a Windows PC to Ubuntu was zero.
If you have an old, unused - but working, PC at home or the office that you would like to donate please contact the school office using this link: If you have an old, working, PPC/G4 or G5 series Mac we can use that as well (they don't need to be converted to Ubuntu). These must be working computers. All laptops must have a power supply. All desktops must have an LCD monitor, keyboard and mouse. They must have at least 512mb of memory and a working CD/DVD drive. You will need to bring the computer to the school office.
These donated computers will be used to create a new media/resource/library room for the students.
If you would don't have an old PC or Mac to donate but would like to contribute to the QLS Computer Project please contact the school office using this link:
Friday, July 8, 2011
Supplies and basic information for 2011-2012 school year.
Information for students entering the 3rd through 6th grades.
Dear students, I hope you are enjoying your summer. I'm sure you are looking forward to our new school year. Here is a list of supplies you will need in September.
*** If possible, usb flash drives would be helpful for the students to use in the classroom. I often use our laptops with the students during science and social studies. Students would be able to save their research information and work on it at home as well as in class.
If you know of anyone who may be able to donate some to our school, it would be greatly appreciated. If you drop them off at the office, please put my name on them.
I will be working with the 3rd through 6th grades this school year. My schedule will consist of teaching 3rd through 6th grades Math and Science. Ms. Darden will instruct Language Arts and Literature with 3rd through 6th grades We will share the other classroom responsibilities and subject areas such as Religion and Social Studies.
As it gets closer to the beginning of the school year I will post our schedule and other important information regarding the school year. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your summer. God bless.
Dear students, I hope you are enjoying your summer. I'm sure you are looking forward to our new school year. Here is a list of supplies you will need in September.
- 7 marble notebooks, one for each subject.
- 1 binder with loose leaf paper.
- 4 pocket folders. (a folder will go home on Wednesdays and Fridays for parents to review and keep in contact with me and the progress of their children).
- Blue and / or black ink pens.
- Pencils, (must use pencil for math).
- 1 pack of colored pencils.
- 1 container of liquid glue and 2 glue sticks.
- 2 containers of clorox wipes.
- 2 rolls of paper towels.
- 2 boxes of tissues.
- fabric book covers will be needed for text books.
*** If possible, usb flash drives would be helpful for the students to use in the classroom. I often use our laptops with the students during science and social studies. Students would be able to save their research information and work on it at home as well as in class.
If you know of anyone who may be able to donate some to our school, it would be greatly appreciated. If you drop them off at the office, please put my name on them.
I will be working with the 3rd through 6th grades this school year. My schedule will consist of teaching 3rd through 6th grades Math and Science. Ms. Darden will instruct Language Arts and Literature with 3rd through 6th grades We will share the other classroom responsibilities and subject areas such as Religion and Social Studies.
As it gets closer to the beginning of the school year I will post our schedule and other important information regarding the school year. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your summer. God bless.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Farewell Luncheon for Mary McLaughlin and Mark Busch
Friday, June 10, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
A school in Joplin Missouri needs our help...
On May 22, 2011 a tornado devastated the town of Joplin, Missouri. From here, such things seem remote. While a tornado in New York is rare, it's not impossible...
The Lutheran School Association received this message from Jeremy Schamber, the Principal of Martin Luther School, in Joplin:
Please note that we do not have Jeremy Schamber's email address. If you have any questions please contact Debbie Cook at
The Lutheran School Association received this message from Jeremy Schamber, the Principal of Martin Luther School, in Joplin:
Dear Friends,
I finally have internet at home which means I can type on my laptop instead of on my phone. I want to give you a better update on Joplin. This information could change.
First of all, as stated earlier, all of our students, families, and staff are safe.
Mrs. Doner - Math Teacher - Lost their home and vehicles
Mrs. Robertson - Second grade teacher - lost their home and vehicles
Mrs. Randles - Preschool teacher - lost their home and vehicles (Husband is Joplin fire chief)
Mrs. Billings - Art teacher - severe damage to home
Miss Thorne - Kindergarten Teacher - Damage to home
Mrs. Cook - Science Teacher - Lost her brother
Pastor and Karen Mech - Parsonage has damage
Church - Will need new roof
School - Possibly new roof, will need boiler repairs, needs new hot water tank, broken window, play ground fence needs repairs, air conditioners need repairs.
12 church families lost their homes
8 school families lost their homes
A number of church and school families had severe damage to their homes
The school is safe for us to use as a hub for our community. Donations of food, water, clothes, toiletry, medical supplies, etc. are being collected at school. Thanks to St. Paul's Lutheran in Farmington, MO, we are using our school as a medical clinic staffed with Doctors and nurses from Farmington. We are providing meals at school for emergency personnel and for families within the community. We are also taking meals on Gators to the tornado struck area for anyone who needs them. Many churches and schools in the area are helping us with this awesome task. We have been involved in "search and rescue" and helping with families salvage what they need. Also, we are providing pastor care for our community at school and in the devastating areas.
Volunteers from all over the country are helping in this effort. We know Martin Luther School will be used all summer long to help our families and the community. We understand we may have a lot of donations but this is just the beginning. We are in this for the long haul.
We are all very humbled by your offers, support, and prayers. This has meant a lot to me personally especially during the these long days of little sleep.
Many of you are calling or emailing me about how you can help. I apologize for not replying. There is no email at school at this time. Listed below are a few ideas your ministry can help Joplin.
Gift Cards - JC Pennys, Wal-mart, Lowes (not Home Depot - destroyed), gas cards, Target, Sears, etc.
Monetary gifts for families and teachers
Monetary gifts for families to off-set tuition - many families lost jobs and it's to early to tell if and when they will rebuild.
Letters of encouragement to give to families as we distribute food, water, and other items into the community
Gatorade/Powerade - if you are close to Joplin
Any type of devotions which help families cope with this disaster
Donations may now be sent to the school:
Martin Luther School
2616 Connecticut Ave.
Joplin, MO 64804
You may use my home address since mail is still not being delivered to school.
2878 Southern Hills Drive
Joplin, MO 64804
If you have other ideas or have been through a catastrophe before and have other suggestions of how to help, please let us know. Don't hesitate to call or email. We are trying to plan long term but currently we are doing things day by day as needs arrive.
A very special thank you to the principals, staff, and families at Lockwood Lutheran, Freistatt Lutheran, Springfield Lutheran, and Farmington Lutheran schools. By the way, Farmington is five hours away. A crew arrived Tuesday, and another crew led by their principal Andy Sherrill arrived today.
Please continue to pray and drop words of encouragement. I will post them on a bulletin board for people to find comfort.
In His Guidance,
Jeremy Schamber, Principal
Martin Luther School
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Joplin, MO
417-624-1403 Ext. 3
TORNADO Recovery at Immanuel Lutheran Church - Joplin, Missouri
I finally have internet at home which means I can type on my laptop instead of on my phone. I want to give you a better update on Joplin. This information could change.
First of all, as stated earlier, all of our students, families, and staff are safe.
Mrs. Doner - Math Teacher - Lost their home and vehicles
Mrs. Robertson - Second grade teacher - lost their home and vehicles
Mrs. Randles - Preschool teacher - lost their home and vehicles (Husband is Joplin fire chief)
Mrs. Billings - Art teacher - severe damage to home
Miss Thorne - Kindergarten Teacher - Damage to home
Mrs. Cook - Science Teacher - Lost her brother
Pastor and Karen Mech - Parsonage has damage
Church - Will need new roof
School - Possibly new roof, will need boiler repairs, needs new hot water tank, broken window, play ground fence needs repairs, air conditioners need repairs.
12 church families lost their homes
8 school families lost their homes
A number of church and school families had severe damage to their homes
The school is safe for us to use as a hub for our community. Donations of food, water, clothes, toiletry, medical supplies, etc. are being collected at school. Thanks to St. Paul's Lutheran in Farmington, MO, we are using our school as a medical clinic staffed with Doctors and nurses from Farmington. We are providing meals at school for emergency personnel and for families within the community. We are also taking meals on Gators to the tornado struck area for anyone who needs them. Many churches and schools in the area are helping us with this awesome task. We have been involved in "search and rescue" and helping with families salvage what they need. Also, we are providing pastor care for our community at school and in the devastating areas.
Volunteers from all over the country are helping in this effort. We know Martin Luther School will be used all summer long to help our families and the community. We understand we may have a lot of donations but this is just the beginning. We are in this for the long haul.
We are all very humbled by your offers, support, and prayers. This has meant a lot to me personally especially during the these long days of little sleep.
Many of you are calling or emailing me about how you can help. I apologize for not replying. There is no email at school at this time. Listed below are a few ideas your ministry can help Joplin.
Gift Cards - JC Pennys, Wal-mart, Lowes (not Home Depot - destroyed), gas cards, Target, Sears, etc.
Monetary gifts for families and teachers
Monetary gifts for families to off-set tuition - many families lost jobs and it's to early to tell if and when they will rebuild.
Letters of encouragement to give to families as we distribute food, water, and other items into the community
Gatorade/Powerade - if you are close to Joplin
Any type of devotions which help families cope with this disaster
Donations may now be sent to the school:
Martin Luther School
2616 Connecticut Ave.
Joplin, MO 64804
You may use my home address since mail is still not being delivered to school.
2878 Southern Hills Drive
Joplin, MO 64804
If you have other ideas or have been through a catastrophe before and have other suggestions of how to help, please let us know. Don't hesitate to call or email. We are trying to plan long term but currently we are doing things day by day as needs arrive.
A very special thank you to the principals, staff, and families at Lockwood Lutheran, Freistatt Lutheran, Springfield Lutheran, and Farmington Lutheran schools. By the way, Farmington is five hours away. A crew arrived Tuesday, and another crew led by their principal Andy Sherrill arrived today.
Please continue to pray and drop words of encouragement. I will post them on a bulletin board for people to find comfort.
In His Guidance,
Jeremy Schamber, Principal
Martin Luther School
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Joplin, MO
417-624-1403 Ext. 3
TORNADO Recovery at Immanuel Lutheran Church - Joplin, Missouri
Please note that we do not have Jeremy Schamber's email address. If you have any questions please contact Debbie Cook at
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Congratulations and Thank You!
Lutheran School Association Honored Staff 2010 - 2011
Lutheran Schools Association 34th Annual Corporate Meeting
- Nina Hunt - 5 Years of Service as the Business Manager of Queens Lutheran School
- Sirpa Spyropoulos - 15 Years of Service as the Secretary of Grace Lutheran School
- Ann Kean - 40 Years of Service as a Teacher at Grace Lutheran School
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Dear Parent or Guardian:
1. NYS Math Test - 4th, 6th & 7th - Wednesday, May 11 through Friday, May 13. Please be sure your child arrives to school on time.
2. Movie Evening - Saturday, May 14 from 5:00-7:30 in the Blue Room. Information was distributed today.
3. Tuition is due tomorrow, Tuesday, May 10. If payment is not received you will be charged a $35.00 late fee.
4. P.T.A. Meeting - Thursday, May 19 at 6:00 p.m.
5. Progress Reports will be distributed on Friday, May 20th to students in 3rd - 8th grade.
Thank you.
Annmarie Fable, Secretary
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
1. NYS Math Test - 4th, 6th & 7th - Wednesday, May 11 through Friday, May 13. Please be sure your child arrives to school on time.
2. Movie Evening - Saturday, May 14 from 5:00-7:30 in the Blue Room. Information was distributed today.
3. Tuition is due tomorrow, Tuesday, May 10. If payment is not received you will be charged a $35.00 late fee.
4. P.T.A. Meeting - Thursday, May 19 at 6:00 p.m.
5. Progress Reports will be distributed on Friday, May 20th to students in 3rd - 8th grade.
Thank you.
Annmarie Fable, Secretary
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
April 13, 2011
Dear Parent/Guardian:
The Scholastic Book Fair will begin on Tuesday, May 3 from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. and end on Thursday, May 5th.
Please feel free to come to our Book Fair between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Feel free to call the Main Office if you have any questions.
Pastor James A.Y. Klockau
Acting Administrator
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
Dear Parent/Guardian:
The Scholastic Book Fair will begin on Tuesday, May 3 from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. and end on Thursday, May 5th.
Please feel free to come to our Book Fair between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Feel free to call the Main Office if you have any questions.
Pastor James A.Y. Klockau
Acting Administrator
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
Monday, April 11, 2011
From the PTA:
Please remember that we are selling fundraiser raffles for two prizes:
From the School Office:
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
Please remember that we are selling fundraiser raffles for two prizes:
- 1st Prize - A Lenox Georgian Porcelain Tall Vase
- 2nd Prize - A tote bag containing - - - nail polish, Burberry Eau De Parfum, Skintimate Shave Gel, Mascara, Mousse, Zippered pouch, Stylish Treats Cookbook, a Journal, Magazines (Vogue, Self, Glamour, Vanity Fair) an assortment of Maybelline products and more.
From the School Office:
- Remember that we are collecting Labels for Education and Box Tops for Education. We are also collecting used printer cartridges.
- If you have not paid tuition please remember that it’s due by the 10th.
- PTA Fundraiser - Wednesday, April 13, 2011 starting at 11:00 a.m. - goodies and treats for only $1.00
- Baseball tickets order due Wednesday, April 13 for Citi Field - Mets vs. Atlanta Braves on Saturday, June 4, 2011 at 7:10 p.m., $25.00 per ticket, Promenade.
- Yearbook Ad and money due Thursday, April 13
- Field Trip for students in 1st - 4th grade to Flushing Town Hall for a performance of Aesop Bops on Thursday, April 14. The children may wear their uniform or their Queens Lutheran School sweat suit.
- Field Trip for students in 5th - 8th grade to Rufus King House Museum, Jamaica, New York on Tuesday, April 19. The children may wear their uniform or their Queens Lutheran School sweat suit.
- Report Cards - Friday, April 15.
- Girl Scouts - Church Yard Clean-up Saturday, April 16
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
Wednesday, April 13th - Bake/Fun Sale
Wednesday, April 13th - Bake/Fun Sale
Thank you for your donations for the last bake sale. They had a great time!!!
If you would like to help us on Wednesday we would appreciate your donations of items to sell. You can be creative. Some ideas are:
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
Thank you for your donations for the last bake sale. They had a great time!!!
If you would like to help us on Wednesday we would appreciate your donations of items to sell. You can be creative. Some ideas are:
- Home made or purchased baked goods
- Individual bags of snacks/chips
- Candy bars
- Small toys
- Goodie Bags
- Easter Stuff
- Jello
- Anything you think the kids would enjoy
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Easter Sunday Services
Dear Parent or Guardian:
There will be no Children's Church on Easter Sunday, April 24. Services are as follows:
8:00 - Continental Breakfast
10:00 - Festival Service of Holy Communion
11:30 - Easter Egg Hunt (in the yard, weather permitting)
We look forward to seeing you in church.
Pastor James Klockau
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
There will be no Children's Church on Easter Sunday, April 24. Services are as follows:
8:00 - Continental Breakfast
10:00 - Festival Service of Holy Communion
11:30 - Easter Egg Hunt (in the yard, weather permitting)
We look forward to seeing you in church.
Pastor James Klockau
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Easter Egg Hunt
Dear Parent or Guardian:
We are going to have an Easter Egg Hunt and are asking for donations of small plastic eggs and wrapped candy to put in the eggs.
Thank you.
Annmarie Fabel, Secretary
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
We are going to have an Easter Egg Hunt and are asking for donations of small plastic eggs and wrapped candy to put in the eggs.
Thank you.
Annmarie Fabel, Secretary
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
Monday, April 4, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Martin Luther School to host Academic Challenge Talent Expo April 9!
On Saturday, April 9, 2011, Martin Luther School will host an Academic Challenge for students in grades three through eight. The competition will consist of a Spelling Bee, Bible Quiz Bowl, Mathematics Challenge, Science Quiz Bowl and Geography Quiz Bowl.
The first and second place finishers in each category will receive their choice of a scholarship to Martin Luther School or a US Savings Bond.
"There are so many opportunities for our young athletes to show off their skills," commented Martin Luther Head of School Randal C. Gast. "Our Academic Challenge will be an opportunity for young men and women to show off their brain power!"
A copy of the Academic Challenge booklet is attached (below) as a PDF. Please feel free to copy and distribute to interested students, or call or e-mail and we will send booklets. Please also contact us if you have any questions about the Challenge.
Martin Luther School is located at 60-02 Maspeth Avenue in Maspeth, between 60th and 61st Streets. Call (718) 894-4000 for information about the MLS Academic Challenge.
Martin Luther School, accredited by the Middle States Association and Registered by the New York State Board of Regents, offers students a college preparatory curriculum within a caring Christian Community. The challenging Advanced Placement Program curriculum provides our students with the skills they will need for the future, and extracurricular activities ranging from Band and Choir to Varsity and Junior Varsity sports are available. For more information, please contact MLS at (718) 894-4000 or log on to our website at
Kelli Westfal
Director of Communications
Martin Luther School
Smart School. Smart Choice.
60-02 Maspeth Avenue
Maspeth, NY 11378
(718) 894-4000 x133
(718) 894-1469 fax
The first and second place finishers in each category will receive their choice of a scholarship to Martin Luther School or a US Savings Bond.
"There are so many opportunities for our young athletes to show off their skills," commented Martin Luther Head of School Randal C. Gast. "Our Academic Challenge will be an opportunity for young men and women to show off their brain power!"
A copy of the Academic Challenge booklet is attached (below) as a PDF. Please feel free to copy and distribute to interested students, or call or e-mail and we will send booklets. Please also contact us if you have any questions about the Challenge.
Martin Luther School is located at 60-02 Maspeth Avenue in Maspeth, between 60th and 61st Streets. Call (718) 894-4000 for information about the MLS Academic Challenge.
Martin Luther School, accredited by the Middle States Association and Registered by the New York State Board of Regents, offers students a college preparatory curriculum within a caring Christian Community. The challenging Advanced Placement Program curriculum provides our students with the skills they will need for the future, and extracurricular activities ranging from Band and Choir to Varsity and Junior Varsity sports are available. For more information, please contact MLS at (718) 894-4000 or log on to our website at
Kelli Westfal
Director of Communications
Martin Luther School
Smart School. Smart Choice.
60-02 Maspeth Avenue
Maspeth, NY 11378
(718) 894-4000 x133
(718) 894-1469 fax
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
QLS PTA/Student Council Bake/Fun Sale
Dear Parent or Guardian:
QLS PTA/Student Council is going to have a Bake/Fun Sale
St. Patrick's Day, Thursday, March 17
If you would like to help we would appreciate your donations of items to sell. You can be creative. Some ideas are:
Homemade or purchased baked goods
Individual bags of snacks/chips
Candy bars
Small toys
Goodie Bags
St. Patrick's day stuff
Anything Green
If you could, please send in the non-perishable items before the sale. They can be given to Ms. Costanzo
Thank you
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
QLS PTA/Student Council is going to have a Bake/Fun Sale
St. Patrick's Day, Thursday, March 17
If you would like to help we would appreciate your donations of items to sell. You can be creative. Some ideas are:
Homemade or purchased baked goods
Individual bags of snacks/chips
Candy bars
Small toys
Goodie Bags
St. Patrick's day stuff
Anything Green
If you could, please send in the non-perishable items before the sale. They can be given to Ms. Costanzo
Thank you
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Please ask your son/daughter to bring in a couple of dollars tomorrow so that he/she can buy a cupcake or cookie. The cupcakes will sell for $1.00 and the cookies for $0.50 each. Money raised will go toward the purchase of school supplies.
Thank you
QLS Staff
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
Please ask your son/daughter to bring in a couple of dollars tomorrow so that he/she can buy a cupcake or cookie. The cupcakes will sell for $1.00 and the cookies for $0.50 each. Money raised will go toward the purchase of school supplies.
Thank you
QLS Staff
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
Thursday, February 10, 2011
March 2011 Food Forms
March 2011 Food Forms can be viewed/downloaded here: Food Forms
Annmarie Fable, Secretary
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
Annmarie Fable, Secretary
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Valentine's Day Ice Cream Party
Dear Parent or Guardian:
On Monday, February 14 our students will celebrate Valentine's Day by enjoying ICE CREAM. Can you believe it? Don't we have enough ice? ;-) Grades 1 - 4 is to bring in $1.00 by Thursday, February 10 to cover the cost of the, brrrrrrrrr, ice cream and grades 5 - 8 is to bring in $2.00 to cover the cost of their ice cream. The children are looking forward to this little special event. There's nothing sweeter than a smile on a child's face.
Annmarie Fable, Secretary
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
On Monday, February 14 our students will celebrate Valentine's Day by enjoying ICE CREAM. Can you believe it? Don't we have enough ice? ;-) Grades 1 - 4 is to bring in $1.00 by Thursday, February 10 to cover the cost of the, brrrrrrrrr, ice cream and grades 5 - 8 is to bring in $2.00 to cover the cost of their ice cream. The children are looking forward to this little special event. There's nothing sweeter than a smile on a child's face.
Annmarie Fable, Secretary
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
February 2011 Food Forms
You can download the February Food Forms here: Food Forms
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
Pennies for Patients
Dear Parent or Guardian:
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS) Pennies for Patients Kickoff Assembly was held today. Our representative, Ms. Kathy Chiu, showed the students, 1st - 8th, a short video, told them a little bit about the program and answered questions the students asked.
We are going to begin collecting, all coins, bills and checks. Please be as generous as possible. 100% of money raised goes to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to help children not as fortunate as we are.
Ms. Chiu told the children that the class that raises $500.00 will have a pizza party on them, (LLS)
We thank you for your generosity.
Queens Lutheran School, Administration and Staff
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS) Pennies for Patients Kickoff Assembly was held today. Our representative, Ms. Kathy Chiu, showed the students, 1st - 8th, a short video, told them a little bit about the program and answered questions the students asked.
We are going to begin collecting, all coins, bills and checks. Please be as generous as possible. 100% of money raised goes to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to help children not as fortunate as we are.
Ms. Chiu told the children that the class that raises $500.00 will have a pizza party on them, (LLS)
We thank you for your generosity.
Queens Lutheran School, Administration and Staff
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
Important P.T.A. Meeting
Good Afternoon Parent or Guardian:
Thank you for returning the Questionnaire in a timely manner.
Please remember that there is an important P.T.A. meeting scheduled for this Thursday, January 20th at 6:00p.m. Please try to attend as important topics will be discussed.
Thank you.
Annmarie Fable, Secretary
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
Thank you for returning the Questionnaire in a timely manner.
Please remember that there is an important P.T.A. meeting scheduled for this Thursday, January 20th at 6:00p.m. Please try to attend as important topics will be discussed.
Thank you.
Annmarie Fable, Secretary
Queens Lutheran School
Elementary - 1st to 8th grade
31-20 21st Avenue,
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662
Friday, January 7, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
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