Saturday, December 3, 2011

QLS Newsletter - December 2011/January 2012

December 2011/January 2012

This Little Light Of Mine (School Theme)
Healthy Choices (Curriculum Theme)

May your joys be bountiful and blessings be many this all through the New Year!


December 1: Tuition payment is due ($35.00 late fee if not received by the 10th of the month.)

December 2: Monthly Assembly - All invited @1:40 pm - Chapel

December 6: Photo Retakes

December 7: Breakfast/Picture with Santa - Information will be distributed to the students on Friday.

December 15: Christmas Program  7:00 p.m. All invited

December 16: 1st  6th gr. Trip  The Nutcracker  Leaving at 9:30 a.m. returning at 1:00 p.m. Progress Reports 3rd - 6th

December 19: January's lunch forms are due.

December 23: DISMISSAL AT 12:00 P.M. Please note that this is a change to what is on our Yearly Calendar

January 3: Classes resume

January 16: School Closed in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


Lunch Forms: For January will be distributed the second or third week in December and are due back on Monday, December 19.

Chapel Offerings: Collected each Wednesday in Chapel. For the months of January and February offerings will be given to the Lutheran Deaconess Association.

Stop By The Office:  If you come to the school for any reason, please do not go to your child's class. You must stop by the office first.


Angels will be appearing in our classroom and hallway. Gods messengers had good news for His people long ago. That good news about Jesus birth is what Christmas is all about.

Each child made an Advent Chain. Advent is the time of waiting and counting the days before Christmas. Each link on the chain has the name of a classmate, relative or friend. Each day the child will take apart one ring on the chain and say a prayer for the person whose name is on it. The prayer can be simple, that God will be with the child and bless him or her.

Social Studies lessons will focus on our needs and wants. As time goes by, our wants seem to increase. Well learn about what we really need. Our chart paper will have interesting lists.

Christmas is celebrated in many ways the world over. Well be finding out about some traditions in other countries. Did you know that Martin Luther introduced the Christmas tree in Germany in the 1500s? Did you know that Silent Night was first played on a guitar when the church organ broke down?


Daniel Gomez - The International Luncheon was very good. It lasted two hours. I ate some turkey and pizza. We made place mats for it. I especially liked dessert. For dessert I ate a pumpkin cupcake and two cookies. They had lots of food

Alex Figueroa  -The International Luncheon was full of fun, food, and friend. Advent began. We are preparing for Jesus birth. We have a new student in 3rd grade. His name is Lucas. We are becoming good friends.

T.J. Peters Advent - this is when we prepare to get ready for the birth of Jesus. Decorate our homes, send out Christmas cards, we sing Christmas carols, buy gifts for others, we bake a cake and cookies, invite friends and families to our homes.

Christmas  Christmas, the day Jesus was born on Christmas is 12 days long December 25

Epiphany  To reveal this when the wise men visited January 6 little Christmas

Max Parada- I really enjoyed the International Luncheon. I liked the chicken parm and the turkey. I also enjoyed the pizza, the dessert was delicious. I had two sugar cookies, they were great. That's all folks.

Lucas Nestman - I had a good time at the International Luncheon. There was a lot of food and there is a new kid named Lucas. We learn Math and Science. There is a new teacher named Ms. Fox.

Lucas Duddy - The new people are awesome! Including me I am the new Lucas. And the old Lucas is the old Lucas.

Meredith Larkin - The 3rd and 4th grade wishes you a Merry Christmas.

Sherry Costanzo - The 3rd and 4th graders are getting ready for Christmas. We have so much to do. We are trying to get use to our new schedule. We are learning so many new things, and are very busy. I am very proud of my students.


I pray everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving in the company of family and friends. We have begun working on our Christmas Program. I cant believe Christmas will soon be here.

It was great meeting with the parents on Parent/Guardian/Teacher Conference Day. The students were very pleased with their report cards. They worked very hard this past quarter. We have restructured the English/Language Arts program to assist us in addressing our students specific needs.

In Grammar class we have completed the work on nouns. We will now begin working on verbs.

In Social Studies we are covering the Native Americans of the Southwest, of the Woodland, of the Plains, and of the West.

In Religion we are using the book Voyages Exploring Gods Word  Gods Promises, Gods Word Revealed, Gods Messenger, God word so seed, Gods word as Rock and Shield, Gods word promises wisdom, teaches parables, Gods word assures and strengthens.

Many changes are taking place and there is so much to accomplish in the coming months.

Yours in Christ, Barbara Darden


The choir continues to rehearse every Wednesday and Friday. We are working hard on our Christmas Program, Gifts of Light, which we will present on Thursday, December 15th, at 7:00 p.m. The story of the birth of Christ will be told in readings and songs, both new and old. Come and support your children as they remind us about the reason for the season.

Our choir has also been invited to sing for the Happy Seniors of Northwest Astoria, which is a senior citizens club that meets every Wednesday from 1:00-3:00 pm in the school hall at Immaculate Conception Church. This club was formed forty years ago at Grace Lutheran, but it moved to ICC when it became too large for our facilities. Each week there is a different group invited to perform, and the program director asked me if our choir would like to come and sing for the seniors. We haven't scheduled a date yet, but it will be sometime after Christmas. I will let you know.

Meanwhile, have a wonderful Christmas! Pastor James Klockau


For the months of November and December, chapel offerings are going to support the work of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. In December we will also take a special offering for classroom textbooks for a school in Tanzania, Africa. Our goal is $300 to provide science, math, and reading books for a whole classroom. Please mark your special offerings textbooks for Tanzania, so that we can keep them separate from the regular chapel offerings.

Chapel offerings for the months of January and February will go to the Lutheran Deaconess Association. The LDA is a nearly century old ministry that prepares women to serve Christ in various ministries, such as teaching, nursing, counseling, social ministry, youth ministry, music, and so on. It is roughly the equivalent of a religious community of nuns in the Roman Catholic Church. Interestingly, the LDA recently approved the admission of men to the diaconate, because of an increasing desire of both young men and young women to enter lives of faith and service. For more information about the LDA, visit it on the web: