This Little Light Of Mine (School Theme)
Healthy Choices (Curriculum Theme)
The best teachers teach from the heart not from the book. (Author Unknown)
Welcome new and returning students and parents. We look forward to a successful 2011-2012 School Year
October 1 - Tuition payment is due ($35 late fee if not received by the 10th of the month.)
October 10 - Columbus Day - School Closed
October 12 - PTA Meeting 6:00 PM
October 14 - Fall Festival / Progress Reports (3rd 6th Grade)
October 17-21 - Standardized Testing
October 25 and 26 - School Pictures
October 28 - Halloween Party (K-6)
Childrens Church: Every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Everyone is welcome.
Chapel Offerings: Collected each Wednesday in Chapel. For the months of September and October offerings will be given to aide victims of Hurricane Irene.
Lunch Forms: Were distributed and were due back on Tuesday, September 27.
School Closed: Monday, October 10 - Columbus Day
Progress Reports: Friday, October 14 will be sent home with students in grades 3 6.
Terra Nova Standardized Tests: Monday, October 17 through Friday, October 21.
Parking: Please do not park in the NO Standing Zone in the front of the school. This area is designated for our school buses and need to remain clear for the safety of all.
Rally Day/Back To School Picnic: Thank you to Pastor Klockau, Grace Council members and Grace Congregation for the wonderful Back to School BBQ. We would also like to thank those of you who attended and brought a delicious dish to share. A great time was had by all.
School Store.com: An online shopping mall with over 200 merchants including Sears, Target, Office Depot, Wal-Mart, Disney Store, Family Book Store and many more. When your family and friends make everyday online purchases from their favorite merchants, our school earns money. Information was sent home with your child on Monday.
Box Tops For Education: Box Tops for Education is an ongoing fundraiser with no extra cost to the participant. The Box Tops are sent into General Mills for compensation to the school. Please clip them from participating General Mills Products and send them in with you child. Thank you again for your support.
Ink And Toner Cartridges: Staples gives our school $2.00 back in Staples Rewards per cartridge. Ink Recycling Rewards are issued monthly. We use our rewards funds to purchase supplies for our school. Thank you parents/guardians for bringing them to us.
Stop & Shop: If you have a Stop & Shop Card, please register your card on line and select Queens Lutheran School for reward points.
Target: Target Take Charge of Education Program allows Target credit card holders to register their card. Eventually Target will make donations to the school of our choice. Our school is listed and there are 7 people already registered. So remember, if you shop at Target register your card and designate Queens Lutheran School to receive a percentage of your purchases. Thank you.
First and second graders are getting used to a new class, new rules, and new neighbors.
John said, First grade is having fun. I like gym.
Bilal likes going to the playground
Andrew said, I like new words and numbers.
We enjoyed the beginning of Autumn. We made leaf prints and painted using Fall colors
The 3rd and 4th graders are settling in. We are all loving school and our new teachers.
We are learning all kinds of things. In Social Studies we are discovering maps and how to read them.
We are all scientists during science class and we are discovering new things everyday.
Math is my favorite subject and we are learning place value. I am really enjoying my students. They are all very smart and a lot of fun.
The 5th and 6th graders are also settling in. They are all excited to learn.
In Math class we are reading, writing and changing decimals.
Science in 5th and 6th grade has been interesting. We are learning about our weather and why it changes.
I hope the students are having as much fun as I am.
Hope you all have a great October. Have a Happy Holloween.
From the students in 5th & 6th grade (in their own words)
Natalie: Pollution
Pollution is bad. We will have to recycle. Please save our Earth.
Bella Garabedian: Haiku about Pollution
Pollution is gross. Please help us save our earth. Schools should help as well.
A Haiku by James Garcia: Pollution
Help save our world. Give a hoot and dont pollute. Please, please save us now.
Dylan Gomez: Pollution
Dont pollute the air. Put your garbage in the trash. Help keep the world clean.
Leila Gomez: Pollution
Help recycle now. Pollution is bad for us. Keep our air clean.
Alexandru Iacob: Pollution
Dont dare to pollute. Pollution destroys Earths air. Help to keep Earth clean.
Emma Johnson: Pollution
Please save our Oceans now. Save the trees and the planet. Pollution is bad.
Please stop polluting. Polluting kills our earth. Make less pollution.
Kevin Simmons: Haiku = Poems, Pollution Science
Pollution kills earth. Smoking is bad for the earth. Acid rain harms soil.
Noah Panchure
Help save our earth. Pollution gives diseases. Please stop polluting.
Mia: Pollution
We should not burn trash. We should make electric cars. Buildings should not smoke.
Pollution is bad. Please help us save our Earth. Dont pollute the air.
Gabriel Roman: Science Haiku
Pollution Pollution is bad. Please stop polluting the Earth. Plastic pollutes Earth.