Sunday, September 4, 2011

Ms. Costanzo's Lessons, grades 3 - 6.

Healthy Choices” “ This Little light of mine” 2011-2012 school year

Week 1- Lessons , 9/7-9/9

3rd – 4th grades
Morning Meeting-8:30-9:00-: Attendance. Copy homework, Pledge/Devotions

Wednesday- first day of school. Welcome. Chapel @ 9:00am, dismissal @ 11:00am. Getting to know you, class discussion. Who are you, work sheets.

Thursday- First Full Day of School. Class begins at 8:30. Discuss Class Rules and Schedules.

Friday- Remembering 9/11. HW- Supplies due Monday.

3rd – 4th grades Math- (double period blocks) Tuesday, Friday- 9:00-10:20 and Wednesday, 9:30-10:20.

Wednesday- first day of school. Welcome. Chapel @ 9:00am, dismissal @ 11:00am. Getting to know you, class discussion. Who are you, work sheets.

Friday- Introduction: distribute texts, review table of contents. Practice reading and writing large numbers. Review place value.

3rd – 4th grades Science-(double period blocks) Monday, Thursday- 9:00-10:20

Thursday- Healthy choices, What are some choices you make every day? How do you know if the choices you make are healthy ones? Distribute text books, review table of contents.

3rd – 4th grades Religion : Monday @ 1:40-2:20, Tuesday and Thursday @ 12:20-1:00.

Wednesday- First Day of School. Chapel @ 9:00.

Thursday- Different Religions, one God. What is your faith and how do you show your faith in your life?

PE- 3rd - 4th - Monday and Friday, 12:20-1:00. (must be prepared to participate)

Friday – PE rules. Warm-up, exercise, and game activity. (depending on space and weather).

“Healthy Choices” “ This Little light of mine” 2011-2012 school year
Week 1- Lessons , 9/7-9/9

5th – 6th - Grades Math-(double period blocks) Tuesday, Wednesday, 10:20-11:30 and Friday, 11:00-11:30.

Wednesday- First Day of School.

Friday- Introduction: distribute texts, review table of contents. Practice reading and writing large numbers. Review place value.
HW- Supplies due Monday.

5th – 6th - Grades Science-(double period blocks) Monday, Thursday- 10:20-11:30.

Thursday- What causes changes in the environment? What are some changes you observed over the past 6 months due to weather conditions? How do these changes affect life on earth? Distribute texts, review table of contents.
HW- Supplies due Monday.

5th – 6th - Grades PE- Monday and Friday, 1:40-2:20. (must be prepared to participate)

Friday – PE rules. Warm-up, exercise, and game activity. (depending on space and weather).