Monday, January 21, 2013

from the desk of Ms. Costanzo

Lessons for 1-21- to 1-25-2013
week 20,  Graceful Growing 

Morning Meeting: 8:30 - 9:00 
Copy HW, Pledge, Devotions
Monday- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. observed- No School
Tuesday- Journal writing, The Perfect Vacation 
Wednesday- Pray Requests. Student Council meeting. 
Thursday- Handwriting, pgs. 33-34                                              
HW-  Jean’s Day tomorrow.
Friday- Journal, continue and complete, The Perfect Vacation.     Hand in.
HW- Complete Handwriting to pg. 34. 

1st - Math- 9:00 - 10:00
Tuesday- In N|B, Related facts, pgs. 187-188
HW- wk sheet pgs. 197-198, Due Thursday. Test Thursday on Subtraction. 
Wednesday- Chapel @ 9:00, all are invited. no class. 
Thursday- Test, subtracting through 10. 
HW- none 
Friday- Ordering and comparing, hands on. 
Centers: I) Write and solve number sentences.  II) Write word problems that use subtraction.  III) Making and naming shapes.
HW- Complete unfinished and\or absent work. 

Snack- 10:00 -10:10

4th - 5th - Math- 10:10 - 10:50
Tuesday- 4th - Notes: Associative property of Multiplication. Define Multiples, Factors, and decompose. Do pg. 173
HW- 4th - pg. 171-172
Wednesday- 4th -  Theme day, no class. 
Thursday- Do pg.174 
HW- 4th -  pgs. 175
Friday- 4th - Review lesson, Multiples and Factors, pgs. 176-178. 

Tuesday- 5th - Alex- review multiplication, 1 digit by one digit.          
 HW- Alex- wk sheet
Wednesday- 5th - Theme day, no class.
Thursday - 5th- Alex- Multiplying 2 digits with 2 digits. Notes and examples.
HW- 5th - Alex- pg. 143 
Friday -5th - Alex - pg. 144, Hand in

6th - Math- 10:50-11:30 
Tuesday - 6th - Percents and Proportions, writing from words. Copy notes and do pgs. 155-158. 
HW- 6th - pg. 159, (3-6) 
Wednesday - 6th - Theme day, no class
Thursday - 6th -  pg. 158, (1-6) together, and pg. 159, (1-2). Go over (3-6). 
HW- wk sheet.  
Friday - Pg. 159, (7-9) together, do pg. 160, #10. Go over, do 11-15 on board. 

Tuesday - 5th -Donna- Chapter review, pgs. 145-148, hand in.  
HW- 5th -Donna- pgs. 151-152
Wednesday - 5th -Donna-  Theme day, no class
Thursday - 5th -Donna-  Relationships between division and multiplication, pgs. 157 - 162.
HW- pgs. 165-166 
Friday - 5th - Donna- Reviewing division, pgs. 171-172 and 177-178.

Lunch and Recess, - 11:30 - 12:30
(recess Duty, Tuesday and Thursday) 

4th - 5th - and 6th - 12:30-1:00
Tuesday - Religion -  Notes and Questions from Luke 4: 1-13, The Temptation of Jesus
HW- Chapel tomorrow
Wednesday - Theme sheets and research
Thursday - Religion - The temptation of Jesus, Graphic novel. 
Friday - Gym, wear gym uniform. 

4th - 5th - and 6th - 1:00-1:40  
Tuesday - Free \ Computer
Wednesday - Art 
Thursday - Free \ Computer
Friday - Free \ Spanish  

Science:  4th - 5th - 6th - 1:40-2:20  
Tuesday - 4th \ 5th - Review vocabulary, share riddles.  Organizing and displaying data, 
Tables and Graphs, pgs. 34-35 on graph paper. 
HW- Vocabulary quiz Thursday.  
Wednesday -Free- Choir with Pastor 
Thursday - 4th \ 5th - Vocabulary Quiz, 1) pan balance,  2) spring scale,  3) data,  4) microscope  - Lab, The process of evaporation. 
HW- 4th \ 5th- none                                      
Friday - 4th \ 5th - Science Quiz game.  

Science- 1:40 - 2:20 
Tuesday - 6th -Go over 1-2.  Questions, pg. 18 #3, a-b. Hand in
Wednesday -Free- Choir with Pastor 
Thursday - 6th - Questions on l\l, pg. 18 #(1-2, a-c) Hand in.                                                     - Lab, The process of evaporation.
HW- 6th -  pg. 18, Writing in Science, on l\l. Choose one branch of Earth Science that interests you and tell why you may want to explore that field. 
Friday - 6th - Science Quiz game.

2:20 - 2:30 - Pack-up Pray Dismiss

** Wednesday, Theme Grades 3, 4, 5, and 6. 
Research and information about Life Story.I) Reviewing vocabulary and typing stories.  II) Choose any water invertebrate and research its existence.  A- What is it?  B- Where does it live?  C- Does it still exist?  C- What is its purpose?  D- Draw a picture of your invertebrate.  III) completing missing and uncompleted work.   
HW- Complete wk sheets or writing assignment. 

Name ___________________________

Research and information about Life Story.     1\23\13

  1. Reviewing vocabulary
  1. Choose any water invertebrate and research its existence. 

A- What is it? ____________________________________________________ 

B- Where does it live, (what part of the world)?_________________________________________________________________ 



C- Does it still exist? ______________________________, If not, when 

did it become  extinct? _________________________________________ 


D- What is its purpose? __________________________________________ 




E- Draw a picture of your invertebrate.