Saturday, July 10, 2010

Praise For Queens School - Queens Gazette, July 7, 2010

Praise For Queens School

To The Editor:

I would like to write on behalf of the Queens Lutheran School in Astoria.

I am a mother of three children. All my children went to Queens Lutheran School, located at 31-20 21st Ave. in Astoria, and attended the school from nursery through eighth grade. It is very rare to find a school that is academically up to par with incredible staff, but I found that at Queens Lutheran School. I write today to give back to the school for what it has given to my children. Christopher, my oldest child, has a Bachelors Degree in Zoo Science and is continuing his education towards a Masters Degree. My daughter Stephanie is going into her second year of college and is pursuing the same as Christopher. My son Nicholas just got accepted to CCNY’s Honor Program and was accepted to several other schools, all of which accepted him into the honors program as well. He is pursuing International Affairs and his goal is to become an Ambassador. I believe he will accomplish that goal thanks to the support and education he was given, as well as the leadership qualities brought out in him, at Queens Lutheran School.

The first years of a child’s life are the most important in molding them for who they are and what they will become. Queens Lutheran School was my children’s stepping stone, their molding process. Queens Lutheran School has dedicated teachers and staff who show compassion, love and understanding to their students. The school brought out the best in all my children and showed them that no task, dream or life encounter is too big to attain. I feel the education and guidance that my children received there enabled them to become the confident, happy, successful people they are today.

I would recommend this school to any parent who is looking for excellence in academics and leadership as well as compassion and dedication. Queens Lutheran’s teachers and staff possess all of these qualities. On behalf of the Scoufaras family, I want to thank you for all you did and all you do at Queens Lutheran School.

Kathleen Scoufaras