Thursday, January 14, 2010
Dear Queens Lutheran School Parents or Guardians:
As you know, Queens Lurtheran School has a dress code with the
overriding educational purpose of teaching our students to
respect a collectively agreed upon standard in a culture where,
all too often, "anything goes."
Lately we have been noticing that some of our students have
begun to take certain liberties with the letter of the dress code,
while others have not been doing all they could do to maintain
the spirit of the dress code, which is striving for a neat appearance.
Specifically, we wish to remind the girls that leggings
are not part of the standard dress code but navy tights, navy
knee highs or navy panty hose are acceptable. Uniform pants (navy)
for the girls are to be worn only between the months of November -
March, as stated in the Handbook.
As for the boys, we have seen unclean shirts and a resistance to
keeping them tucked in. Navy tie is to be worn every day.
Boots are not to be worn in school.
Only navy sweaters are to be worn in school (v-neck, button down or pullover.)
We would appreciate your support in this matter and, if appropriate,
please issue a reminder to your son or daughter concerning the
expectation of maintaining the dress code standard and how a neat
and clean appearance conveys both self-respect and respect of others.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Bettye J. Lee
Queens Lutheran School
(Elementary - 1st - 8th grade)
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, NY 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662