Thursday, January 28, 2010

Re-registration packets.....

...were distributed today.  Please complete all the forms as soon as possible and return them to us with the Early Bird Re-registration Fee and all other fees which pertain to your son/daughter.

You will also find in the packet, Open House flyers.  We ask that you please post them in your neighborhood or place of business.

Thank you.


Annmarie Fable, Secretary

Queens Lutheran School
(Elementary - 1st - 8th grade)
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, New York  11105
Tel: 718-721-4313   Fax: 718-721-7662

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Re-registration Packets

Dear Parent or Guardian:

Your son/daughter will receive a re-registration packet tomorrow for the 2010-2011 School Year.  We suggest you take advantage of the Early Bird Special by completing ALL the forms front and back where needed, sign and date them and return them to school along with the re-registration fee and all fees which apply to your child, as soon as possible.  If you complete all the forms and send them in on or before Friday, February 26 the re-registration fee is only $100.00

Thank you.


Bettye J. Lee
Queens Lutheran School
(Elementary - 1st - 8th grade)
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, New York  11105
Tel: 718-721-4313   Fax: 718-721-7662


If students come to school before 8:15 a.m., they are to go to the Blue Room where a teacher is on duty.  They will be dismissed to their rooms from there.

Parents or Guardians, we're asking that you allow grade 1 - 4 students go upstairs on their own, so they'll get used to getting themselves ready to start their day.

If you need to talk to a teacher, please send a brief note and they'll get back to you quickly.

Thank you.

Bettye J. Lee, Principal
Queens Lutheran School
(Elementary - 1st - 8th grade)
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, New York  11105
Tel: 718-721-4313   Fax: 718-721-7662

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Dear Parent or Guardian:

Food Forms are due tomorrow.  If you have not already done so please send them in with your son/daughter.

Thank you.



Queens Lutheran School
(Elementary - 1st - 8th grade)
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, New York  11105
Tel: 718-721-4313   Fax: 718-721-7662

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Student Council Pancake Sale…

Student Council Pancake Sale…

If you would like your child/children to participate in our pancake sale, please enclose $2.00 in an envelope with your child’s name and class on the front.

All orders must be in by or before Friday, 2/5, no later. Due to our snow day, the pancake sale has been moved to Tuesday, Feb. 23th .
Thank you, Ms. Costanzo and the Student Council

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Dear Parent or Guardian:

Reminding you about our P.T.A. meeting tonight at 6:00 p.m.

Thank you,

Annmarie Fable, Secretary

Queens Lutheran School
(Elementary - 1st - 8th grade)
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, New York  11105
Tel: 718-721-4313   Fax: 718-721-7662

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Haiti Relief

I'd like to thank all the parents and guardians who responded to our e-mail, "Donations to Haiti," asking us who they should make their check payble to. Many want to send in a donation and we will send it to an organization with our Chapel Offering. Some of you have said that your company will match your donation. We appreciate any amount you wish to donate and we thank your employer for matching the funds. Checks should be made payable to Queens Lutheran School.

We do not have the name of the organization yet but we will keep you informed.

Thank you all so much.

Annmarie Fable, Secretary

Queens Lutheran School
(Elementary - 1st - 8th grade)
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662

Souvlaki Food Form

Here it is! Please open the attachment.

Annmarie Fable, Secretary

Queens Lutheran School
(Elementary - 1st - 8th grade)
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 11:43 AM
Subject: Food Forms

Dear Parent or Guardian:

The food forms are attached and due back on Wednesday, January 27, 2010. The Souvlaki form will be e-mailed to you shortly.

Thank you.


Annmarie Fable, Secretary
Queens Lutheran School
(Elementary - 1st - 8th grade)
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662

Donations to Haiti

Dear Parent or Guardian:

We are asking you to be as generous as you possible can when giving your son or daughter money for the Wednesday Chapel Offering. We will be sending January's and February's offering to Haiti to help in the relief effort.

The earthquake a week ago has left the small island nation of Haiti in "total disaster and chaos," according to US officials.

We bless you and thank you from the bottom of our heart.

Bettye J. Lee, Principal and staff


Queens Lutheran School
(Elementary - 1st - 8th grade)
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662

Food Forms

Dear Parent or Guardian:

The food forms are attached and due back on Wednesday, January 27, 2010. The Souvlaki form will be e-mailed to you shortly.

Thank you.


Annmarie Fable, Secretary

Queens Lutheran School
(Elementary - 1st - 8th grade)
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Dear Queens Lutheran School Parents or Guardians:

As you know, Queens Lurtheran School has a dress code with the
overriding educational purpose of teaching our students to
respect a collectively agreed upon standard in a culture where,
all too often, "anything goes."

Lately we have been noticing that some of our students have
begun to take certain liberties with the letter of the dress code,
while others have not been doing all they could do to maintain
the spirit of the dress code, which is striving for a neat appearance.

Specifically, we wish to remind the girls that
are not part of the
standard dress code but navy tights, navy
knee highs or navy panty hose are acceptable. Uniform pants (navy)
for the girls are to be worn only between the months of November -
March, as stated in the Handbook.

As for the boys, we have seen unclean shirts and a resistance to
keeping them tucked in. Navy tie is to be worn every day.

Boots are not to be worn in school.

Only navy sweaters are to be worn in school (v-neck, button down or pullover.)

We would appreciate your support in this matter and, if appropriate,
please issue a reminder to your son or daughter concerning the
expectation of maintaining the dress code standard and how a neat
and clean appearance conveys both self-respect and respect of others.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Bettye J. Lee


Queens Lutheran School
(Elementary - 1st - 8th grade)
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, NY 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fun Night Basket - Fundraiser

Dear Parent or Guardian:

Information regarding our first raffle for 2010 was distributed to your son/daughter today. It's a "Fun One"

The basket contains:

Game of Trouble
Sequence States and Capitals
DVD - March of the Penguins
Box of Act II microwave popcorn
Popcorn holders

What better way to snuggle on a Friday or Saturday night with your children and enjoy some quality time.

$2.00 each chance or $5.00 for 3

Drawing on Monday, February 1, 2010.

Thank you again for your support.

Annmarie Fable, Secretary


Queens Lutheran School
(Elementary - 1st - 8th grade)
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, New York 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Good Morning Parent or Guardian:

Please mark your calendar

P.T.A. MEETING............THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2010..............6:00 P.M.

Thank you.


Annmarie Fable, Secretary


Queens Lutheran School
(Elementary - 1st - 8th grade)
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, New York  11105
Tel: 718-721-4313   Fax: 718-721-7662

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year

Dear Parent or Guardian:

It was a joy to see all the children once again.  We welcomed them back and they gave us a funny look...We just couldn't understand why.  We hope you had a chance to do something fun with your sons/daughters because before you know it they'll be asking you for the car keys.  ;-)

The faculty, staff and administration thank you for your donation to the Teacher's Christmas Fund, for your cards and various gifts.  You mean the world to us and we enjoy having your sons/daughters enrolled here.

Feel free to call, stop by, e-mail or fax us anytime regarding anything, we are here to help you in any way we can.


Bettye J. Lee, Principal


Annmarie Fable, Secretary
Barbara Darden, 7th & 8th grade Teacher and Head Teacher
Sherry Costanzo, 5th & 6th grade Teacher
Mark Busch, 3rd & 4th grade Teacher
Deanna Gigler, 1st & 2nd grade Teacher
Mary McLaughlin, 5th - 8th grade Social Studies Teacher
Jo Ann Raspantini, Computer Teacher
Janet Rosado Malinowski, 7th & 8th grade Spanish Teacher
Diana Mendoza, 1st - 4th grade Spanish Teacher
Heddy Caussin, 1st - 4th Music Teacher
Nicole Ameduri, 5th - 8th grade Teacher
Keith Hanson, Art Teacher
Nina Hunt, Bookkeeper


Queens Lutheran School
(Elementary - 1st - 8th grade)
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, New York  11105
Tel: 718-721-4313   Fax: 718-721-7662