Monday, November 9, 2009

Thanksgiving International Luncheon

Queens Lutheran School
Thanksgiving International Luncheon
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

November, 2009

Dear Parent/Guardian:

We are celebrating Thanksgiving in a BIG way by having our 12th Annual International Luncheon on Tuesday, November 24, 2009.

Students interested in wearing clothing from their ethnic background may do so. Please note: If your child does not choose to wear ethnic clothes, he/she must wear the school uniform.

To make this day a complete success, we do need your help and support. We're asking each child to bring in any food item from his/her ethnic background. If you are not preparing a native dish and would like to provide us with a food item, here are some suggestions: cranberry sauce, sweet potato pie, canned fruits, potato salad, yams, corn and always meat (ham, chicken cutlets, chicken, turkey, pot roast, roast beef, roast veal etc.) We ask you to send in as much food as you can because the children will eat this for their lunch. They do not bring lunch in on this day.  Please send in dishes already cooked and heated or send in a dish that does not require heating.. This is necessary due to a lack of space to heat every dish brought in. Please send food in disposable pans because we cannot be responsible for returning your dish.

We are asking each child to provide his/her own drink. Please do not send in any glass bottles. Cans or soft cardboard cartons will be greatly appreciated. We have sodas in our machines which the children can buy for $1.00. We would like to feed 55 students, 10 staff members and our volunteer parents or guardians.

We have invited the Senior members of Trinity and Grace Lutheran Church and other key people to be our guests. Won't you please be so kind as to send in some bottled soda, holiday napkins, cups and plates for approximately 40 guests for our guest table. We do not need any other paper products as we have some left over from our last International Luncheon and our last children's party.

Please fill in and return the attached sheet and return it to your child's teacher as soon as possible but no later than Tuesday, November 17, 2009. 

Thank you.

Bettye J. Lee


Queens Lutheran School
Thanksgiving International Luncheon
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Please return this form to your child's teacher by TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2009

Child's Name: ___________________________________Class: _______________
                                                         Please print
Food: _________________________________________Country:______________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________Date: ___________

Ms. Gigler: 1st & 2nd Grade
Mr. Busch: 3rd & 4th  Grade            
Ms. Costanzo: 5th & 6th Grade
Ms. Darden: 7th & 8th Grade