Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Day of School

Dear Parent Guardian:

The first day wasn't bad was it?

1. Tomorrow is our first full day and all students must be in full uniform. Please send your child in with lunch and a beverage. Milk will be delivered on Monday. If you paid the milk fee your child will receive milk on that day. If your child is in our After School Program and you paid the milk fee, your child will receive milk in after school.

2. If you filled out a Transportation Form your child will receive his/her Metro Card tomorrow.

3. A copy of the September newsletter can be found on our website in the News and Notes section.

Please don't hesitate to call, come in, fax, email, etc. should yoy have any questions or concerns.


annmarie fable, secretary

Queens Lutheran School
(Elementary - 1st - 8th grade)
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, N. Y. 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662