Wednesday, September 1, 2010

5th through 8th grade Supply List for 2010-2011 School Year

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Hope you're enjoying the summer. Below is the supply list needed for students in 5th through 8th grade.

Supply List for 2010-2011 School Year:

6 marble notebooks ( notebooks will be used for Math, Literature, Science, Religion, Spelling and Spanish)

1, three-subject spiral notebook with folder pockets (for Social Studies)

Loose-leaf paper, and Binder (for English and other assignments that need to be turned in)

5 folders (one folder will be sent home each week with graded work and important information inside. Please look through your child's folder and return forms when needed.)

1 pack of colored pencils

Liquid glue and glue sticks

Blue or black ink pens


2 boxes of tissues

2 tubs of Clorox or Lysol wipes. (on sale at Deals, on 51 Street and Northern Blvd. 2 large tubs for $5.00)

One bath or beach towel for Gym class

See you in September...