Sunday, May 6, 2012

May 2012 / June 2012

This Little Light Of Mine (School Theme)
Healthy Choices (Curriculum Theme)


May 1 Tuition payment is due ($35.00 late fee if not received by the 10th of the month.)

May 3 National Day of Prayer

May 4 Monthly Assembly- @1:40 pm Chapel

May 5 Cinco de Mayo

May 6 Nurses DAY

May 7-11 Teacher Appreciation Week, Theme Week

May 8 National Teachers Day

May 11 Progress Reports 3rd 6th

May 13 Mothers Day

May 16 Our choir has been invited to perform at the Happy Seniors of Northwest Astoria at Immaculate Conception school hall.

May 19 Armed Forces Day  

May 23-25 Camp Herrlich 3rd 6th


June 14 Flag Day

June 17 Fathers Day

June 18 Last Full Day of School and After School

June 19 Records Day Dismissal at noon

June 20 First Day of Summer, Grade School Moving Up/6th Grade Graduation (details to be announced), Report Cards, Closing Chapel, Dismissal at 11:00 a.m.


LUNCH FORMS: For May were distributed on Monday, April 23 and were due back on Wednesday, April 25

CHAPEL OFFERINGS: Chapel offerings for May and June will go to support the Anti-Malaria campaign of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Two Lutheran pastors from New York Bishops assistant Jack Horner and Wartburg Adult Care Community's Carol Fryer will climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania in July in an attempt to raise $100,000 to support African companion churches in their malaria prevention and treatment programs. The funds raised will:

Distribute insecticide-treated mosquito nets
Train health care providers
Support water treatment programs
Provide medicine to treat malaria

Malaria Facts:
People usually get malaria by being bitten by an infected female mosquito carrying the malaria parasite.
Symptoms include fever, chills, sweating, headaches, nausea, and general malaise. Serious cases may include organ failure and death.
800,000 people die from malaria each year., 89% of those people are in Africa, and many of them are children and pregnant women.,
Malaria is the leading cause of death in children under age five in Africa.
Malaria is the second leading cause of infectious diseases in Africa after HIV/AIDS.
Malaria can be cured if the right drugs are used promptly.
Spraying and bed nets are the main form of prevention.

ILLNESS: If your son/daughter is ill or will arrive to school late for any reason, please leave a message on our answering machine with an explanation. When your son/daughter returns to school please be sure he/she has a written explanation as to why he/she missed school or was late.

STOP BY THE OFFICE: If you come by the school for any reason you must first stop by the office and state your reason for being here. You will asked to sign in, receive a pass and be escorted to your destination.

CONGRATULATIONS: Leila Gomez (5th grader) after competing at the Level 8 New York State gymnastics championship in Rochester, is now New York States Level 8 Beam Champion with a score of 9.650. She also placed 5th on floor with a 9.650.


WOW! Three quarters of our school year is already completed. Each and every student is becoming a more confident reader. Its a pleasure to see little friends reading directions and getting started on tasks on their own. Great things are happening!

We've been learning about quotation marks and have been writing dialogs between characters. Its fun! Josue drew a few great cartoons between Snoopy and Woodstock. They have a lively funny conversation. Come see it outside our classroom by our SPRING IS display.

First graders have been learning different strategies to solve addition problems, using doubles, doubles plus 1, and making a ten.

Second graders have been exploring measurement using rulers, cups, pints, quarts, thermometers, etc. We estimate and then take our measurements. Fun! Math for the real world!

We have been excited to learn about people with disabilities. They like to do the same things everyone else does, but often need to do things in different ways.

Did you know that Franklin Roosevelt, a U.S. President, had braces for his legs and used a wheelchair? Did you know Stephen Hawking a world renowned scientist is paralyzed and uses a motorized wheelchair and a voice synthesizer? Mattie Stepanek was a boy with muscular dystrophy who wrote several amazing books of poetry. We enjoyed some of his beautiful words and thoughts in our room and in chapel.

Coming Up:

Trip to Queens Zoo May 15th
Planting Wildflowers outside our greenhouse (hands welcome)


The year seems to be flying by. We are doing and learning so many new things.

Reading Henry Huggins has been a blast. It was fun to read about a boy our age who grew up in the 1950s. Things were a lot cheaper back then. Can you believe that there were no cell phones or video games in the 1950s? What did everyone do? Yes, they made it and are still surviving-imagine that! We enjoyed the story and looked forward to see what Henry will do next.

In Math class, 3rd graders are practicing their multiplication facts while the 4th graders are working with division and unit prices.

We recently completed timelines showing data about ourselves and the important events in our lives. It was fun to share our timelines with our classmates. We learned a lot about each other.

In our Religion class we are reading Lukes gospel and discussing the life of Jesus. During Holy Week we celebrated the last supper. We made Jesus Is posters and they are on display in the hallway in the lower level.

We have explored so many topics in Science. During the month of April we explored matter and the changes that take place all around us. Matter really does matter.

During centers and group activities we get to work at different stations and use our creativity and knowledge to figure out puzzles, build machines and work on subject areas that reinforce our daily lessons. Everyone found at least one thing they like and a great deal is learned at these times.

We all enjoyed Easter and had a peaceful and restful Easter break.


The 4th and 6th grade took the NYS ELA (English Language Arts) Exams and the NYS MATH Exams.

ELA Reading: We are completing the Indian In The Cupboard. The second week in May we will have Theme Week Stewards of the Earth. We will be making posters, and campaigning for a greener earth along with completing other activities that are planned to address core concepts using hands-on strategies for learning

Social Studies: We studied units 3 and 4, colonists and conflicts. Establishment of the 13 English colonies, the fight for Independence, breaking ties with Great Britain, the American Revolution and the Constitution of the United States.

Religion: We are completing a study of the book of Exodus through Deuteronomy. In particular we are studying Moses last days and his death.

English 3rd 6th Unit 4: Adjectives and Adverbs

We are learning about adjectives and adverbs and how to properly apply them in our writing.

Mrs. Raspantini

Its good to be back after two long months of recuperating and rehabbing a broken ankle. Below is a brief synopsis of what we have been doing in Computer Class.

Kindergarten and 1st Grade: They are making use of all the interactive software available to them.

2nd Grade: The children have completed two PowerPoint presentations entitled Animal Classifications and I'm Thankful For

3rd and 4th Grade: The children are beginning to utilize Microsoft Word in addition to continuing working on their keyboarding.

5th and 6th Grade: The children are becoming more proficient in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint as well as using the Internet for research.

Pastor James Klockau

The children have been invited to perform at the Happy Seniors of Northwest Astoria on Wednesday, May 16th. This senior citizens club, which is co-sponsored by Grace Lutheran and Immaculate Conception Churches, meets each week in the school hall at Immaculate Conception. The children will present a short program of patriotic and religious songs at approximately 1:30 p.m. They will walk to ICS and return to QLS in time for dismissal.