March 2012 / April 2012
This Little Light Of Mine (School Theme)
Healthy Choices (Curriculum Theme)
Happy St. Patrick’s Day Daylight Saving TimeNews and Dates to Note:March 1 - Tuition payment is due ($35.00 late fee if not received by the 10th of the month.)March 2 - Monthly Assembly- @1:40 pm - ChapelMarch 8 - 3rd – 6th receive their Progress Report March 9 - School Closed – Teacher Professional DevelopmentMarch 11 - Daylight Saving Time BeginsMarch 12 - Celebrating Lutheran Schools Week.March 12 - Silly Sock DayMarch 13 - Silly Hat Day, Lunch Forms for April distributedMarch 14 - ChapelMarch 15 - PJ DayMarch 16 - “Be Green “ Day March 28 - Lunch Forms due back on Wednesday, March 28, P.T.A. Meeting - 6:15 p.m.March 30 - Family Game Night 6:30 p.m.April 1 - Palm SundayApril 2 - Tuition payment is due ($35.00 late fee if not received by the 10th of the month.)April 4 - Third Marking Period EndsApril 5 - School Closed 5th – 13th – Easter Recess April 6 - Good FridayApril 8 - Easter SundayApril 17 - Lunch Forms for May distributed - due back Thursday, April 26.April 20 - Report Cards Issued Other Information: Lunch Forms: For March were distributed on Thursday, February 16 and were due back on Tuesday, February 28. Chapel Offerings: Collected each Wednesday in Chapel. For the months of March and April offerings will be given to Lutheran Schools AssociationIllness: If your son/daughter is ill or will arrive to school late for any reason, please leave a message on our answering machine with an explanation. When your son/daughter returns to school please be sure he/she has a written explanation as to why he/she missed school or was late.Stop by the Office: If you come by the school for any reason you must first stop by the office and state your reason for being here. You will asked to sign in, receive a pass and be escorted to your destination. Congratulations to the Gomez children:1. Leila - competed in the Exper-tiess Winter Wonderland meet and won the following in the Junior B division:
a. 9th on vault;
b. 6th on bars;
c. 4th on beam;
d. 2d on floor with a 9.5 (first was a 9.525)
e. 3rd All Around with a 35.525.
2. Daniel's hockey team Aviator Mite Major (tier II) made it to the playoffs for the Hudson Valley league and just won their first playoff game and will now go into the finals for the championship.3. Dylan's hockey team Aviator Squirt Major (tier II) made it to playoffs and went on to win the Long Island Youth Hockey League championships for their division. His team also won the Central Massachusetts Winter Classic hockey tournament this past weekend for the Squirt division (tier II). 1st & 2nd Grade News:February was a short but BUSY month. We concentrated on our Native American studies. We read legends, articles and non-fiction books about the people who lived in the Northeast, the Northwest, the Southwest and the Plains.
- Hands on activities included making drums, tunics with patterns and beads, playing a target game, a stick counting game, homemade board games, listening to pow wow music, choosing Indian names, decorating a “buffalo hide” to tell a story, made a small doll, and making popcorn! Oh yes, we each made a book with pictures and descriptive sentences.
- K – 6 kids all got to guess what each item in a bag of authentic artifacts was used for. Favorites were the Alaskan ulu, and the Louisiana alligator jaw knife. Ms. Gigler brought in pottery, jewelry dream catchers, a talking feather, and more fun in a magic bag!
- March 2nd was a cooking day for K - 6. Indian Fry Bread, Corn Bread and Mint Tea was on the menu. Yum…yum…yum
- Come and see the Plains Indian table in the upstairs hallway. Grades 5 & 6 constructed Tipis. Grades 1 – 4 made Clothespin People. Stories about family life are recorded on “buffalo hides.”
March will get us back to our regular schedule. We look forward to finding evidence of leprechauns around the school. You do believe in them, don’t you?This is what 1st and 2nd Grade kids had to say about our study of Native Americans:Nick: “Indians thought all animals had special spirits. Children like to play games.”Angel: “Before the white man came, Native Americans used to build tools out of bones. They had to go hunting for food.”Nelson: “Native Americans lived long ago and today too.”John: “They worked a lot on making stuff, like drums. The Indian man teached the kids how to hunt.”Joseph: “They made their houses out of clay in the southwest.”Nicolas L.: “Young boys would run and shoot targets so they could get ready for hunting. They thought Mother Nature was good. Indians traded with Spanish and white people for metal knives.”Josue: “Indians wore moccasins.”3rd & 4th Grade News:From the desk of Ms. Costanzo…Our trip to the American Indian Museum was very interesting and a lot of fun. We all seemed to be a little excited about taking the subway but it wasn’t so bad. I think the kids enjoyed it. We saw many Indian artifacts and learned many new things about the Native Americans. Many of the things viewed at the museum were those that we have been studying in class this month.Our theme of Native Americans, their homes, families and communities, has been a great experience for both the students and the teachers. Children in Kindergarten through grade 6 rotated and got to spend a half hour with each teacher while doing different activities and learning about the Native Americans which lived in our country. We weaved mats, made totem poles, longhouses and other cool things. We all had a great time and the students learned so many new things about the lives of the American Indian. The 3rd and 4th graders want to share the many and exciting things that took place during the month of February and what will take place in March. Please enjoy reading their stories in their own words with minor correction from me.Donna: Writing Homework – 2/16/12 – Yesterday’s trip was fun. We went to the American Indian Museum. First, we saw a folktale movie called Waskijag and How he got his Name. It was about an animal who did not like his name. He went to ask the Great Spirit. He wanted another name. He promised that he will get there on time. The next day, he overslept. So when he went to the Great Spirit, the Spirit tole Waskijag that all the names he wanted were taken! But the Great Spirit told him his name means the teacher of the first people of Turtle Island. He Became Very Happy!Also, we went for a scavenger hunt. We had to find a Man’s Coat, a box house, a vessel, a mask, a war shirt, a trumpet, a jug, moccasins and ear ornaments. I found the Man’s Coat, the box house, the mask, the jug, moccasins and ear ornaments.Even though we did not see all the exhibits, and did not finish the scavenger hunt, it was still fun because I went to the souvenir shop. I bought a flute and a coin. It was so much fun!Lucas: My day was great. It was fun too much fun. We learned a lot today. We made butterflies. We were gonna make clay pots but we did not get to. Friday we are gonna make the clay pots. We read a book and looked at animal skin. It felt weird. I was sick on the 100th Day of School. We went on a trip to a museum. It was a fun vacation from working. We had fun.Max: Our Trip to the Museum of American Indians -The morning was great. When we got to the museum we were introduced to our guide. We watch a film and saw some Indian masks, a war shirt, an Indian wooden house and other cool exhibits. We also saw a big round thing. We left and went to McDonald’s for lunch. After lunch we went back to the souvenir shop. We saw more exhibits and then we went home.Alex: My trip was awesome. We saw very little exhibits. But even though we spent most of the time on the train. We still had fun with Ms. Fox. I was in her group. The best part is that we went to McDonald’s. The best best best part was being in Ms. Fox’s group, and buying something from the gift shop. Man that was the best school trip of my life.Matthew: In the National Indian History Museum I was with my mother. I had to take off my coat. I went in this succurity machine. I saw Ms. Fox getting scanned. I said “I want to get scanned. But she said that I am too young to be scanned. I saw this huge statue of a man with wings standing on earth. Then later I came to this room. Then I saw a video or movie. Then I saw a map of a place in the Native Amarican time. Earlier Lucas said “Max is angry because I said I erased all video games.” After the video I touched a fake and small canoe, and also a bowl and other stuff. Then we came to the location of the group scavenger hunt. First we found the small house. Then we left and came back. We found the mask. Then we found a statue. It was not on the list. I was thinking it looked weird. Then we had to go back to class. We found 3 things. Max was angry at me for not listening to him. I had a good time there anyway.Rabah: Social Studies – 2/16/12 – I had a great time at the American Indian Museum it was really interesting and fun. I liked the scavenger hunt. It was fun even though I didn’t get everything but still it was fun. I really liked it. I also liked the gallery and we knew everything because Ms. Darden told us about animals and what they mean to the Native Americans and read to us some more information about them and Ms. Rita told us about more Indian tribes like the Pueblo Indians and what Pueblo means. Ms. Gigler let us make Native American people in class and showed us things Native Americans used. Leila, Dylan, and Daniel bought animal skins. They were bear and deer skins. They felt really soft and cuddly. I liked it and thanks for Ms. Costanzo and Ms. Fox who taught us about them because they are really interesting and I would love to learn more about them. I am really excited because in Ms. Rita’s class we are going to make pottery with our own designs. It will be really fun. Yaaaaay!!!!!Daniel: S.S. – 2/16/12 – My trip to the Museum of American Indians was pretty good. We took two trains to get there. When we got there we had to go through a metal detector. Then we watched a movie called Wasakijag. It was about someone who didn’t like his name, his name was Wasakijag. He wanted to be renamed by the Great Spirit and so did the other animals. He thought if you are the earliest to be there you will get the best name. He overslept so the only name left was Wasakijag. Then the Great Spirit said, “You will teach the first people.” He also said his name means that. After that we went with our class and a tour guide. She spoke with us then we went upstairs and she showed us a picture of a canoe and a small canoe, two pictures of trees, a piece of bark, and a Native American bowl. Then we went on a scavenger hunt. The things we had to find were a man’s coat, a box house, a vessel, a mask, a war shirt, a trumpet, a jug, moccasins, and ear ornaments. Then we went to McDonald’s and ate. Then we came back and did the rest of the scavenger hunt. I only got to find the man’s coat, the box house, the mask, the jug, and the moccasins. Then we went to the gift shop. I bought a hand made knitted ball and a dream-catcher. Then we took two trains to get back to school.TJ: Native American Museum - Social Studies – 2/17/2012 – I had a great day on Tuesday. My class and I visited the Native American Museum in Manhattan. We saw a short film about a rabbit named Wasakijag. Then we split up into groups. My group went to see the Gallery. In the gallery we saw two pictures of forests. We also saw a Native American Boat. We also went on a scavenger hunt. We went to McDonald’s for lunch. Then we went to the gift shop before returning to school.Meredith: 2/16/12 - Our Trip to the Museum of American Indians – A few days ago, we went on a trip to the American Indian Museum. It was fun! (Well, a little bit.) It took the whole school day. We took the train, went to McDonald’s and saw a video. Then we went to look at some artifacts. Last we went to school.Lucas: 2/16/12 – Yesterday was fun. We saw historical artifacts. We saw woodland pictures and saw wood from the woodlands. We saw a movie with a Native American that hated his name! Then we went to McDonald’s down the street then came back and it was the end of the day. Before that we had something we call theme week first we go to Ms. Darden’s class we saw Dylan’s and Leila’s bear skin. Their grandfather hunted. Then we went to Ms. Rita’s class. Ms. Rita read us a story. She finished it while we did an art project. We made a butterfly because based on the story there was a coyote and a lot of butterflies. Then at Ms. Gigler’s class we made people because the 5th and 6th grade are making a teepee and they needed people. PS, Gigler did not like those lollipops. PPS, Ms. Rita gave us the lollipops.Peter: Social Studies – 2/16/12 – The trip to the museum was great! We saw a box house, Indian shoes, a Tomahawk and a teepee. We saw a film. The name was Wasakijag. It was great. One of the workers showed us a canoe. The place was really great! I loved the trip. The train was fun too. The museum has 8 floors I think. We saw buffalo skin. It was furry. We had to go through a metal detector. I was nervous but I got over it. They had a really beautiful big room. They had cool stuff. The end.5th & 6th Grade News:Reading and Literacy Program
- The week of February 27 – March 1st we completed our unit on the Native American Indians.
- The E.L.A. literacy program is working well for the students in our reading whole group and skills group
- In Social Studies we are working on unit 4 – Europeans Come to the Americas. The Spanish build an Empire, Explorers and Conquerors People, the Caribbean, the Taino, Christopher Columbus, The Columbian Exchange and the Seeds of Change. (I got this wrong I have to check with Sherry)
- In Religion we are studying the Book of Exodus. God’s Law, the Ten Commandments, God’s Covenant, the Golden Calf, the Ark and the Tabernacle Moses’ life as leader of the people.
- 3rd and 4th grade Religion – We are working in the book of St. Luke. Jesus’ miracles, his love for people, how he taught parables and what the parables mean.
- In English grades 3 – 6 are studying the use of verbs
Computer News:I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Ms. Alicia Castro, and I am the substitute computer teacher. I graduated from the University of Hartford with a Bachelors in Psychology, and a Master in Childhood Education from Adelphi University. I am a certified New York State teacher, and I have been working as a per diem teacher since 2010.It is a pleasure to be a member of the Queens Lutheran School family and I look forward to working with your child/children. I am planning activities to develop the creative skills and interest of the students.We have accomplished the following:
- Kindergarten began computer class February 14, 2012
- First Grade, created welcome letters for the open house.
- Second Grade, researched an African American artist and created a brief report for Black History month.
- Third and Fourth grade, created a mini business plans.
- Fifth and Sixth grade, are currently researching the Seven Wonders of the World and will be creating brochures for their location.