5th& 6th Grades Assignment Sheet
Week #1 , 12/1-12/5: --
Morning Meeting- (8:30-9:00)- Pledge, Devotions. ADVENT CALENDAR
Monday- Trip to Museum of Natural History, & Hayden Planetarium
Tuesday- Journal writing, My trip to the Planetarium/Museum.
Wednesday- Christmas Art, No handwriting this week.
Thursday- Christmas Art/Decorations.
Friday- teacher’s choice. DEAR- Drop Everything And Read
** Spelling words- none this week.
Monday- Trip to Museum of Natural History, & Hayden Planetarium.
Tuesday- The Skin, Chapter 2, lesson 4, pgs. 56-62. Go over vocabulary.
HW- vocabulary quiz Friday.
Wednesday- No science, Chapel @ 9:00
Thursday- Go over vocabulary. Current Events.
HW- Review notes and vocab. Quiz tomorrow.
Friday- Vocabulary Quiz. Read pgs. 56-59.
Monday- Trip to Museum of Natural History, & Hayden Planetarium.
Tuesday- 5th- Quiz on division.
6th – Quiz on division.
HW- None
Wednesday- 5th- & 6th Define, mean, medain, mode, range, and outlier.
HW- 5th In N/B, use calcuator. 6th In N/B, use calcuator.
Thursday- 5th Go over HW. 6th Go over HW.
HW- Wk sheets, mean, median, mode, & range.
Friday- Hand in HW. 5th- Notes, Reviewing graphs, wk bk. pg. 33, (1-4, & 6-12).
6th – Notes, Reviewing graphs, wk bk. pg. 23.
Religion- Mon. (1:40-2:20), Tues., Thurs., (12:20-1:00)
Monday- Trip to Museum of Natural History, & Hayden Planetarium.
Tuesday- Bible, Luke 2.
HW- Chapel tomorrow, bring $, offering and/or canned foods.
Wednesday- Chapel @ 9:00.
Thursday- Bible, Matthew 2.
HW- Test on Luke 2, and Matthew 2, Thursday.
*** PE, every Monday and Friday.
*** This month our Chapel offering goes to, Lutheran World Relief Funds.
Week #2 , 12/8-12/12:- 12/12, Progress Reports.
Morning Meeting- (8:30-9:00)- Pledge, Devotions. ADVENT CALENDAR
Monday- Spelling, Pre-test, 1) write wrong words 3x’s each, 2) put words in alphabetical order.
HW- Write a sentence for each word, Due Thursday. Spelling test Thursday.
Tuesday- Care Cards for Christmas.
Wednesday- Handwriting, 1 page. Hand in.
Thursday- Spelling Test, hand in sentences.
Friday- Christmas Art.
** Spelling words- 1) movie 2) favorite 3) music 4) biography 5) offering
6) Christmas 7) alphabetical 8) manger 9) presents 10) Santa Clause
Monday- Sun Safety, pgs. 60-61.
HW- On l/l. answer questions, text pg.62.
Tuesday- Hand in questions. Observe compost. What do you see?
Wednesday- No science, Chapel @ 9:00
Thursday- Review Chapter 2. Pg.63. Wk sheets, copy and answer questions in N/B.
HW- complete questions, vocab. quiz tomorrow.
Friday- Vocabulary Quiz. Go over questions. Test Friday on Chapter 2.
Monday-.5th- Do wk bk. pg. 34. Hand in. 6th- Do wk bk. pg. 24. Hand in.
HW- Review notes.
Tuesday- 5th – 6th Using charts and graphs to display data. Frequency tables, and Histograms. Notes and examples.
HW- In N/b, use frequency table to create an Histogram.
Wednesday- Go over HW. Notes, Stem-Leaf diagrams.
HW- review notes.
Thursday- Stem-Leaf, Frequency tables, and Histograms,
5th text pgs. 164 & 176. 6th text pg. 123, #13, & pg. 132-133, (1-3)
HW- complete class work.
Friday- Review, test Wednesday, Mean, median, mode, range, and Frequency tables, and Histograms, and Stem-Leaf plots.
Religion- Mon. (1:40-2:20), Tues., Thurs., (12:20-1:00)
Monday- Questions from Luke 2, and Matthew 2.
HW- Test Thursday.
Tuesday- Go over questions. Give outline for Test.
HW- Chapel tomorrow, bring $, offering and/or canned foods.
Wednesday- Chapel @ 9:00. Complete unfinished class work/read quietly.
Thursday- Test on Luke 2, and Matthew 2, Hand in N/B.
Week #3 , 12/15-12/19:
Morning Meeting- (8:30-9:00)- Pledge, Devotions. ADVENT CALENDAR
Monday- Spelling, Pre-test, 1) write wrong words 3x’s each, 2) put words in alphabetical order.
HW- Write a sentence for each word, Due Thursday. Spelling test Thursday.
Tuesday- Journal writings,
Wednesday- Homeroom. No handwriting this week.
Thursday- Hand in N/B. Spelling Test.
Friday- teacher’s choice. Student activity.
** Spelling words- 1) creation 2) mystery 3) Monday 4) Tuesday
5) Wednesday 6) Thursday 7) Friday 8) Saturday 9) Sunday 10) century
Monday- In N/B, do text pg. 64, (1-18 & 20). Due Thursday.
HW- Text pg. 64, Due Thursday, Test Friday.
Tuesday- Complete text pg. 64.
Wednesday- No science, Chapel @ 9:00
Thursday- Go over pg. 64. Copy outline for Test. All notes in N/B.
HW- Test tomorrow and checking N/B. Study notes.
Friday- Chapter 2 Test, Hand in N/B.
Monday-.5th text pgs. 187-188. 6th text pg. 152-153, (4-18).
HW-. Test Wednesday and checking N/B. Mean, median, mode, range, and Frequency tables, and Histograms, and Stem-Leaf plots.
Tuesday- 5th & 6th Go over text pgs.
HW- review for Test.
Wednesday-. Test, Hand in N/B
Thursday- 5th Copy the Rules of Divisibility, text pg. 200. 6th Copy the Rules of Divisibility, text pg. 162.
HW- Study rules of divisibility.
Friday- 5th In N/B, text pg. 200-201, (1-25) 6th In N/B, text pg. 163-164, (1-25)
Religion- Mon. (1:40-2:20), Tues., Thurs., (12:20-1:00)
Monday- Practice for Christmas Program.
Tuesday- Practice for Christmas Program.
Wednesday- Chapel @ 9:00.
Thursday- Bible, Luke 3, The Preaching of John the Baptist, and the Baptism of Jesus.
Week #4 , 12/22-12/26:
Morning Meeting- (8:30-9:00)- Pledge, Devotions. ADVENT CALENDAR
Monday- Movie.
Tuesday- Making Christmas cards for parents.
12:00 dismissal
No School Merry Christmas. Jesus is born.
** Spelling words- None this week.
Monday- Movie.
Tuesday- Christmas breakfast.
No School Merry Christmas. Jesus is born.
Tuesday- Secret Santa. 12:00 dismissal.
No School Merry Christmas. Jesus is born.
Religion- Mon. (1:40-2:20), Tues., Thurs., (12:20-1:00)
Monday- Wk sheets. Clean out crates.
Tuesday- None, dismissal @ 12:00, noon.
No School Merry Christmas. Jesus is born.
**** 12:00 dismissal, Christmas vacation begins. Return 1/05/09.
7th -8th Grades Assignment Sheet
Week #1 , 12/1-12/5: --
Science-(10:20-11:00) - Activity Due 12/22.
Monday- Trip to Museum of Natural History, & Hayden Planetarium.
Tuesday- Read pgs. 94-96. Questions, Section A pgs. 90-96 in N/B.
HW- complete questions.
Wednesday- Go over questions. Read pgs. 97-99.
HW- On l/l, copy and answer questions, pg. 99,(1-5).
Thursday- Hand in questions. The International Space Station. Pgs. 100-103.
Friday- What do you think? List the pros and cons on Space exploration. Due Monday.
Monday-. Trip to Museum of Natural History, & Hayden Planetarium.
Tuesday- 7th Review, Chapters, 1-2. Wk bk. pg. 21, show work on l/l.
8th On B/B, review Scientific Notation. Quiz Thursday.
HW- 7th Complete class work. 8th In N/B, review positive, and negative Scientific Notation, Quiz Thursday.
Wednesday- 7th Chapter 3, Decimal place value, text pgs. 106-107, wb bk. pg.22.
8th Go over HW, Quiz tomorrow.
HW- 7th complete wk bk. 22 8th Quiz, Positive, and Negative Scientific Notation
Thursday- 7th Hand in wk bk. pg. 22. Use text pgs. 110-116 and do wk bk. pgs. 23-24.
8th Quiz, Scientific Notation.
HW- 7th Complete wk bk. pgs.23-24. 8th wk bk. pg. 23.
Friday-7th Go over wk bk. pgs. 23-24. Products and Quotients of decimals, notes.
8th Formulas and Variables, text pgs. 122-124, define vocabulary, read pgs. 123-124.
*** PE, every Monday and Friday @ 12:20-1:00.
Week #2 , 12/8-12/12: 12/12, Progress Reports.
Monday- Discussion about Space exploration. (Friday’s lesson)
Tuesday- On l/l, answer questions, Section A, pgs. 100-102.
HW- complete questions.
Wednesday- Hand in HW. Science News.
Thursday- Lap tops.
Friday- Science Quiz Game.
Monday-. 7th- read text pgs. 120-121, Copy rules for Mult. And Dividing decimals, pg. 121. 8th Complete text pg. 125, (1-12).
HW- 7th Text pg. 122, “Try It” a-b 8th Text pg. 125, (1-12).
Tuesday- 7th- Go over HW, On l/l, do text pg. 123, (1-31).
8th Go over pg. 125. Do wk bk. pg. 24.
HW- 7th Complete class work. 8th Complete class work.
Wednesday- 7th Hand in pg. 123. Do wk bk. pg. 25.
8th Hand in wk bk. pg. 24. Expressions and Equations, notes. Text pg. 127-128. Define vocabulary.
HW- 7th Quiz Friday on Products and Quotients of decimals.
8th Do wk bk. pg. 25, (1-5)
Thursday- 7th Go over wk bk. pg.25. Quiz tomorrow.
8th Complete wk bk. pg. 25, go over.
HW- 7th Review Products and Quotients of decimals.
8th Do wk bk. pg. 26, (1-4)
Friday- 7th Quiz. Products and Quotients of decimals
8th Go over HW. Read pgs. 133-134, do text pg. 135, (1-10).
Week #3 , 12/15-12/19:
Monday- Section B-1. Changes in the Ecosystem, Define vocabulary pg. 27.
HW-. Vocab. quiz, Thursday.
Tuesday- Go over vocabulary, discussion, Ecosystems.
Wednesday- Read pgs.12-15, Section A.
HW-. Vocab. quiz tomorrow.
Thursday- Vocab. Quiz. Define, biotic, and abiotic. Read pgs. 16-18.
HW-. Read pgs. 20-23.
Friday- On l/l, copy and answer, 1. What are wetlands? 2. What are ways scientists have found to restore the grasslands? Hand in, Due today.
*** Activity due 12/22, Section A, pgs. 88-89.
Monday-. 7th Powers of 10, and Scientific Notation, text pgs. 125-127, Define vocabulary. 8th Go over pg. 135, (1-10). Review Formulas and Variables, and Expressions and Equations. Test Thursday. Do text pg. 138, (1-16).
HW-. 7th Do pg. 127, “Try It” a-d. 8th complete class work.
Tuesday- 7th Go over HW, In N/B, do pg. 128, (1-28).
8th Go over pg. 138. Do wk bk. pg. 27.
HW-. 7th complete class work. 8th complete class work.
Wednesday- 7th Go over pg. 128, Do wk bk. pg. 26
8th Go over wk bk. pg.27. Test tomorrow.
HW-. 7th Complete pg. 26.
8th Test, Formulas and Variables, and Expressions and Equations. and checking N/B.
Thursday- 7th Hand in wk bk. pg. 26. Do wk bk. pg. 27.
8th Test, Hand in N/B.
HW-. 7th Complete class work. 8th None.
Friday- 7th Rules of Divisibility, copy rules, text pg. 135.
8th Solving Equations, text pgs. Notes. Do text pg. 142, (a-e), & 146, (a-c).
Week #4 , 12/22-12/26:
Monday- Activity due. Section A pgs.88-89.
Tuesday- None, 12:00 dismissal.
No School, Merry Christmas. Jesus is born.
Monday-. Christmas wk sheets.
Tuesday- None, 12:00 dismissal.
No School, Merry Christmas. Jesus is born.
**** 12:00 dismissal, Christmas vacation begins. Return 1/05/09.