Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thank You Parents and Guardians - Coat and Toy Drive

Dear Parents and Guardians  

 Queens Lutheran School would like to thank all those who contributed to the Coat and Toy drive for "Hour Children." Your contributions helped put a smile on a child's face and a good feeling in your heart.

The items were collected on Monday, December 15 and will be distributed to the children by Christmas.

 Thank you so very very much.

Queens Lutheran School
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, NY 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313   Fax: 718-721-7662

Monday, December 15, 2008

Breakfast with Santa

Tomorrow is the big day for students in grade 1st - 8th!!!

If your child brought in the permission slip and $5.00, he/she will enjoy breakfast with the jolly man and have a picture taken with him.  If you did not send in the $5.00 please do so by tomorrow.

Merry Christmas  

Queens Lutheran School
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, NY 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313   Fax: 718-721-7662

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Performing Arts at Queens Lutheran School

Queens Lutheran School has teamed with the non-profit youth arts organization the Roberta Wells Conservatory (go to their web page) to bring QLS students and local community children excellent and affordable after school performing arts programming. Queens Lutheran School has a long history of offering educational programming that is excellent, stable and diverse with small classes so that children receive individualized attention. The Conservatory shares the same standards and offers performing arts programs in dance, movement, theatre, poetry, creative writing, cheerleading and drill team. This After School Program is off and running and several students have signed up. Mrs. Spellman, one of our parents whose son attends QLS and is enrolled in the 1st grade, is running this program.

Information about the program was sent home about a week ago.  Boys and Girls in any grade may sign up.  It is held in the Blue Room, after school from 2:45 - 4:15 p.m.

Should you need more information and forms, please call us at:  718 - 721 - 4313.

Queens Lutheran School
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, NY 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313   Fax: 718-721-7662

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Coats for Kids and Toys for Tots Drive Extended


We are collecting Toys for Tots until Monday, December 15, 2008

Deadline for Coats for Kids has been extended to Friday, December 5, 2008

Thank you all for contributing

Queens Lutheran School
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, NY 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313   Fax: 718-721-7662

Performing Arts Training

Queens Lutheran School invites you to watch an exciting television program on Thursday, December 4.  The Roberta Wells Conservatory will be featured on  the local Christian Family Hour Show on QPTV, Ch. 56, at 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.   The show will feature an interview with Mrs. Spellman, Executive Director of the Conservatory and mother of Asa Spellman 1st grade student at Q.L.S.  There will also be short presentations of dance, theatre and cheerleading and the program will conclude with a slide presentation of youth performances.  

Presently, Queens Lutheran School is planning a collaboration with the Roberta Wells Conservatory under the direction of Mrs. Spellman and Elizabeth Nunez,  to bring our students excellent and  affordable after-school performing arts training.


Monday, December 8 and 15, 2:45 - 4:15 p.m.
Theatre and Movement  - - - Grades 5 - 8

Wednesday, December 10 and 17, 2:45 - 4:15 p.m.
Theatre and Movement - - - Grades 1 - 4

More information and fees,  on the above will follow via your child.

Queens Lutheran School
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, NY 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313   Fax: 718-721-7662

Saturday, November 29, 2008

December Assignments

5th& 6th Grades Assignment Sheet

Week #1 , 12/1-12/5: --

Morning Meeting- (8:30-9:00)- Pledge, Devotions. ADVENT CALENDAR
Monday- Trip to Museum of Natural History, & Hayden Planetarium
Tuesday- Journal writing, My trip to the Planetarium/Museum.
Wednesday- Christmas Art, No handwriting this week.
Thursday- Christmas Art/Decorations.
Friday- teacher’s choice. DEAR- Drop Everything And Read

** Spelling words- none this week.

Monday- Trip to Museum of Natural History, & Hayden Planetarium.
Tuesday- The Skin, Chapter 2, lesson 4, pgs. 56-62. Go over vocabulary.
HW- vocabulary quiz Friday.
Wednesday- No science, Chapel @ 9:00
Thursday- Go over vocabulary. Current Events.
HW- Review notes and vocab. Quiz tomorrow.
Friday- Vocabulary Quiz. Read pgs. 56-59.

Monday- Trip to Museum of Natural History, & Hayden Planetarium.
Tuesday- 5th- Quiz on division.
6th – Quiz on division.
HW- None
Wednesday- 5th- & 6th Define, mean, medain, mode, range, and outlier.
HW- 5th In N/B, use calcuator. 6th In N/B, use calcuator.
Thursday- 5th Go over HW. 6th Go over HW.
HW- Wk sheets, mean, median, mode, & range.
Friday- Hand in HW. 5th- Notes, Reviewing graphs, wk bk. pg. 33, (1-4, & 6-12).
6th – Notes, Reviewing graphs, wk bk. pg. 23.

Religion- Mon. (1:40-2:20), Tues., Thurs., (12:20-1:00)
Monday- Trip to Museum of Natural History, & Hayden Planetarium.
Tuesday- Bible, Luke 2.
HW- Chapel tomorrow, bring $, offering and/or canned foods.
Wednesday- Chapel @ 9:00.
Thursday- Bible, Matthew 2.
HW- Test on Luke 2, and Matthew 2, Thursday.

*** PE, every Monday and Friday.
*** This month our Chapel offering goes to, Lutheran World Relief Funds.


Week #2 , 12/8-12/12:- 12/12, Progress Reports.

Morning Meeting- (8:30-9:00)- Pledge, Devotions. ADVENT CALENDAR
Monday- Spelling, Pre-test, 1) write wrong words 3x’s each, 2) put words in alphabetical order.
HW- Write a sentence for each word, Due Thursday. Spelling test Thursday.
Tuesday- Care Cards for Christmas.
Wednesday- Handwriting, 1 page. Hand in.
Thursday- Spelling Test, hand in sentences.
Friday- Christmas Art.

** Spelling words- 1) movie 2) favorite 3) music 4) biography 5) offering
6) Christmas 7) alphabetical 8) manger 9) presents 10) Santa Clause

Monday- Sun Safety, pgs. 60-61.
HW- On l/l. answer questions, text pg.62.
Tuesday- Hand in questions. Observe compost. What do you see?
Wednesday- No science, Chapel @ 9:00
Thursday- Review Chapter 2. Pg.63. Wk sheets, copy and answer questions in N/B.
HW- complete questions, vocab. quiz tomorrow.
Friday- Vocabulary Quiz. Go over questions. Test Friday on Chapter 2.

Monday-.5th- Do wk bk. pg. 34. Hand in. 6th- Do wk bk. pg. 24. Hand in.
HW- Review notes.
Tuesday- 5th – 6th Using charts and graphs to display data. Frequency tables, and Histograms. Notes and examples.
HW- In N/b, use frequency table to create an Histogram.
Wednesday- Go over HW. Notes, Stem-Leaf diagrams.
HW- review notes.
Thursday- Stem-Leaf, Frequency tables, and Histograms,
5th text pgs. 164 & 176. 6th text pg. 123, #13, & pg. 132-133, (1-3)
HW- complete class work.
Friday- Review, test Wednesday, Mean, median, mode, range, and Frequency tables, and Histograms, and Stem-Leaf plots.

Religion- Mon. (1:40-2:20), Tues., Thurs., (12:20-1:00)
Monday- Questions from Luke 2, and Matthew 2.
HW- Test Thursday.
Tuesday- Go over questions. Give outline for Test.
HW- Chapel tomorrow, bring $, offering and/or canned foods.
Wednesday- Chapel @ 9:00. Complete unfinished class work/read quietly.
Thursday- Test on Luke 2, and Matthew 2, Hand in N/B.


Week #3 , 12/15-12/19:

Morning Meeting- (8:30-9:00)- Pledge, Devotions. ADVENT CALENDAR
Monday- Spelling, Pre-test, 1) write wrong words 3x’s each, 2) put words in alphabetical order.
HW- Write a sentence for each word, Due Thursday. Spelling test Thursday.
Tuesday- Journal writings,
Wednesday- Homeroom. No handwriting this week.
Thursday- Hand in N/B. Spelling Test.
Friday- teacher’s choice. Student activity.

** Spelling words- 1) creation 2) mystery 3) Monday 4) Tuesday
5) Wednesday 6) Thursday 7) Friday 8) Saturday 9) Sunday 10) century

Monday- In N/B, do text pg. 64, (1-18 & 20). Due Thursday.
HW- Text pg. 64, Due Thursday, Test Friday.
Tuesday- Complete text pg. 64.
Wednesday- No science, Chapel @ 9:00
Thursday- Go over pg. 64. Copy outline for Test. All notes in N/B.
HW- Test tomorrow and checking N/B. Study notes.
Friday- Chapter 2 Test, Hand in N/B.

Monday-.5th text pgs. 187-188. 6th text pg. 152-153, (4-18).
HW-. Test Wednesday and checking N/B. Mean, median, mode, range, and Frequency tables, and Histograms, and Stem-Leaf plots.
Tuesday- 5th & 6th Go over text pgs.
HW- review for Test.
Wednesday-. Test, Hand in N/B
Thursday- 5th Copy the Rules of Divisibility, text pg. 200. 6th Copy the Rules of Divisibility, text pg. 162.
HW- Study rules of divisibility.
Friday- 5th In N/B, text pg. 200-201, (1-25) 6th In N/B, text pg. 163-164, (1-25)

Religion- Mon. (1:40-2:20), Tues., Thurs., (12:20-1:00)
Monday- Practice for Christmas Program.
Tuesday- Practice for Christmas Program.
Wednesday- Chapel @ 9:00.
Thursday- Bible, Luke 3, The Preaching of John the Baptist, and the Baptism of Jesus.


Week #4 , 12/22-12/26:

Morning Meeting- (8:30-9:00)- Pledge, Devotions. ADVENT CALENDAR
Monday- Movie.
Tuesday- Making Christmas cards for parents.
12:00 dismissal

No School Merry Christmas. Jesus is born.

** Spelling words- None this week.

Monday- Movie.
Tuesday- Christmas breakfast.
No School Merry Christmas. Jesus is born.

Tuesday- Secret Santa. 12:00 dismissal.

No School Merry Christmas. Jesus is born.

Religion- Mon. (1:40-2:20), Tues., Thurs., (12:20-1:00)
Monday- Wk sheets. Clean out crates.
Tuesday- None, dismissal @ 12:00, noon.

No School Merry Christmas. Jesus is born.

**** 12:00 dismissal, Christmas vacation begins. Return 1/05/09.


7th -8th Grades Assignment Sheet

Week #1 , 12/1-12/5: --

Science-(10:20-11:00) - Activity Due 12/22.
Monday- Trip to Museum of Natural History, & Hayden Planetarium.
Tuesday- Read pgs. 94-96. Questions, Section A pgs. 90-96 in N/B.
HW- complete questions.
Wednesday- Go over questions. Read pgs. 97-99.
HW- On l/l, copy and answer questions, pg. 99,(1-5).
Thursday- Hand in questions. The International Space Station. Pgs. 100-103.
Friday- What do you think? List the pros and cons on Space exploration. Due Monday.

Monday-. Trip to Museum of Natural History, & Hayden Planetarium.
Tuesday- 7th Review, Chapters, 1-2. Wk bk. pg. 21, show work on l/l.
8th On B/B, review Scientific Notation. Quiz Thursday.
HW- 7th Complete class work. 8th In N/B, review positive, and negative Scientific Notation, Quiz Thursday.
Wednesday- 7th Chapter 3, Decimal place value, text pgs. 106-107, wb bk. pg.22.
8th Go over HW, Quiz tomorrow.
HW- 7th complete wk bk. 22 8th Quiz, Positive, and Negative Scientific Notation
Thursday- 7th Hand in wk bk. pg. 22. Use text pgs. 110-116 and do wk bk. pgs. 23-24.
8th Quiz, Scientific Notation.
HW- 7th Complete wk bk. pgs.23-24. 8th wk bk. pg. 23.
Friday-7th Go over wk bk. pgs. 23-24. Products and Quotients of decimals, notes.
8th Formulas and Variables, text pgs. 122-124, define vocabulary, read pgs. 123-124.

*** PE, every Monday and Friday @ 12:20-1:00.


Week #2 , 12/8-12/12: 12/12, Progress Reports.

Monday- Discussion about Space exploration. (Friday’s lesson)
Tuesday- On l/l, answer questions, Section A, pgs. 100-102.
HW- complete questions.
Wednesday- Hand in HW. Science News.
Thursday- Lap tops.
Friday- Science Quiz Game.

Monday-. 7th- read text pgs. 120-121, Copy rules for Mult. And Dividing decimals, pg. 121. 8th Complete text pg. 125, (1-12).
HW- 7th Text pg. 122, “Try It” a-b 8th Text pg. 125, (1-12).
Tuesday- 7th- Go over HW, On l/l, do text pg. 123, (1-31).
8th Go over pg. 125. Do wk bk. pg. 24.
HW- 7th Complete class work. 8th Complete class work.
Wednesday- 7th Hand in pg. 123. Do wk bk. pg. 25.
8th Hand in wk bk. pg. 24. Expressions and Equations, notes. Text pg. 127-128. Define vocabulary.
HW- 7th Quiz Friday on Products and Quotients of decimals.
8th Do wk bk. pg. 25, (1-5)
Thursday- 7th Go over wk bk. pg.25. Quiz tomorrow.
8th Complete wk bk. pg. 25, go over.
HW- 7th Review Products and Quotients of decimals.
8th Do wk bk. pg. 26, (1-4)
Friday- 7th Quiz. Products and Quotients of decimals
8th Go over HW. Read pgs. 133-134, do text pg. 135, (1-10).


Week #3 , 12/15-12/19:

Monday- Section B-1. Changes in the Ecosystem, Define vocabulary pg. 27.
HW-. Vocab. quiz, Thursday.
Tuesday- Go over vocabulary, discussion, Ecosystems.
Wednesday- Read pgs.12-15, Section A.
HW-. Vocab. quiz tomorrow.
Thursday- Vocab. Quiz. Define, biotic, and abiotic. Read pgs. 16-18.
HW-. Read pgs. 20-23.
Friday- On l/l, copy and answer, 1. What are wetlands? 2. What are ways scientists have found to restore the grasslands? Hand in, Due today.
*** Activity due 12/22, Section A, pgs. 88-89.

Monday-. 7th Powers of 10, and Scientific Notation, text pgs. 125-127, Define vocabulary. 8th Go over pg. 135, (1-10). Review Formulas and Variables, and Expressions and Equations. Test Thursday. Do text pg. 138, (1-16).
HW-. 7th Do pg. 127, “Try It” a-d. 8th complete class work.
Tuesday- 7th Go over HW, In N/B, do pg. 128, (1-28).
8th Go over pg. 138. Do wk bk. pg. 27.
HW-. 7th complete class work. 8th complete class work.
Wednesday- 7th Go over pg. 128, Do wk bk. pg. 26
8th Go over wk bk. pg.27. Test tomorrow.
HW-. 7th Complete pg. 26.
8th Test, Formulas and Variables, and Expressions and Equations. and checking N/B.
Thursday- 7th Hand in wk bk. pg. 26. Do wk bk. pg. 27.
8th Test, Hand in N/B.
HW-. 7th Complete class work. 8th None.
Friday- 7th Rules of Divisibility, copy rules, text pg. 135.
8th Solving Equations, text pgs. Notes. Do text pg. 142, (a-e), & 146, (a-c).


Week #4 , 12/22-12/26:

Monday- Activity due. Section A pgs.88-89.
Tuesday- None, 12:00 dismissal.
No School, Merry Christmas. Jesus is born.

Monday-. Christmas wk sheets.
Tuesday- None, 12:00 dismissal.
No School, Merry Christmas. Jesus is born.

**** 12:00 dismissal, Christmas vacation begins. Return 1/05/09.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Wine Basket



Enjoy it with family and friends.

Happy Thanksgiving

Queens Lutheran School
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, NY 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313   Fax: 718-721-7662

Box Tops for Education - Campbell Soup Labels

Please visit to see the participating products. Clip the coupons and send them to the office. For every 20 coupons your child will receive a N.U.T. card.

Check out Campbell Soup Labels as well.

Have Fun Clipping while helping QLS earn cash. Each box top coupon is worth $0.10 to our school, and that adds up fast.

Queens Lutheran School
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, NY 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313   Fax: 718-721-7662

Monday, November 3, 2008

Congratulations Erek!

Our newcomer to the Queens Lutheran School Family won the Educational Basket.


Queens Lutheran School
31-20 21st Avenue
Astoria, NY 11105
Tel: 718-721-4313 Fax: 718-721-7662